*Req* (Future Trunks) Frosting

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I felt really bad for not updating this this week, especially since you guys were so kind and brought this story to 678 reads and 83 votes. I'm sooo ecstatic!  I've been having really bad back problems, and I've been studying harder than Gohan so I can pass my Hunter Safety Course. That, and I have a writing workshop next week, so I've been preparing for that. But it's mostly my back. I don't know what's up with it, but I haven't gotten a full night's sleep in almost two weeks, it's been getting worse steadily, so hopefully my doctor can figure something out tomorrow. Besides, I start high school in twenty eight days, and I don't need these back problems too.
This was requested by @kalee13yt,(thank you for voting ;) )and to @AmeliaFireheart, I'm sorry, but I've never watched Tokyo Ghoul, so I don't really know what a Ghoul is. Yes. You can all rant at me now. If you can give me another idea, I'll be glad to try that. OH! And Hello to Canada, Portugal, Lithuania, South Africa, The Uk, aaaaand Spain!
Please don't hate me because of my long a/ns.
This actually happened, just about ten minutes ago.

(Y/n) stood in the kitchen, Trunks by her side. See, (Y/n) and Trunks were going to his mother's party, and she wanted to bring something special to impress Bulma.
She made a cake, and it came out perfectly. Nothing stuck to the edges, she flipped the pan over and tapped on it, and out it came.

Now, for the hard part. (y/n) was new at baking, and was going to attempt to make peanut butter frosting. (sorry for those allergic, keep your Epi-pens on hand. Lol!) She got her instructions from a trusted cooking website and she and Trunks set off to it.

**real recipe if you want pb icing**

"Okay, I need a cup of butter, a cup of peanut butter, two teaspoons if vanilla, 1/4 a cup of milk, and four cups of powdered sugar." She said, staring at the paper. Trunks got the measuring cups as she got the ingredients.

She pulled out the bag of powdered sugar, which was deep in the depths of her pantry, along with a potato growing eyes.

"Hey, does powdered sugar get old?" She asked, looking at the sell by date, which was two years prior.

"I dunno," Trunks said, fighting the peanut butter out of the jar.

"Mhmmn." She shrugged, and tossed it back in the pantry. "I'll just use the sugar in the pot thingie."

She poured the sugar in the measuring cup innocently, not aware of the havoc it would bring.

They measured out all the ingredients, and began.

"Alright, (y/n)," Trunks said. "First you have to cream the butter and peanut butter together,"

She slapped the peanut butter and butter in the bowl, and turned on the mixer. She mixed it until it was all light brown, and smooth. She then added half the powdered sugar Trunks had handed her into the bowl. She blended that with the previous mixture, until it was all one brown. It started to get chunky, and she quirked a brow.

"Trunks, I don't think it should look like that."

"I'm sure it'll even out when you add the liquids."

With that, she added in the vanilla and milk, and blended, but it still didn't look any better.

"Do you want me to try?" He asked and she nodded, running off to the computer to see if she did anything wrong. She didn't. 

Trunks added in the remaining suguar, as the directions said.

"Maybe more milk?" He called to his girlfriend.

"I guess that might work."

"It'll make it creamy hon," he tried to be positive.

"It was SUPPOSED to be creamy!" She said with a wail as she reentered the kitchen.


Trunks kept on mixing.

"Is that smoke?" (Y/n) asked, pointing to the mixer.

"I think it's just sugar coming off the vent."

"Trunks, I think the mixer is burning up!"

He put his hand to the plastic. "Yes. That is definitely what is happening." He pulled the mixer out of the bowl.

"Great," (y/n) groaned. She picked the brownish blob up with both hands.

"It's okay, we'll get some frosting from the store,"

She played with the stuff, squishing it around. "It shouldn't be this thick,"

She was about to throw it away, before Trunks came up with an idea. "Taste it."

(Y/n) bit a chunk off, and was pleasantly surprised for a second. It was good! But then reality set it, and her face twisted in disgust. She tried to spit it out into the trash, but it stuck to the roof of her mouth. She ran to the sink gagging, and pulled the little spray thing out and spraying water in her mouth.

"What?" Trunks asked when she recovered.

"Ugh. It tasted like peanut butter flour."

"There shouldn't have been any flour in there..."

"I didn't put any in," she thought for a moment, and her eyes widened in realization.

She opened the jar she got the sugar from and stuck her fingers in.

"Flour," she mumbled.

She turned to Trunks, horror stricken.

He gave her a wistful smile, and held us arms out for a hug.(y/n) threw her arms around him, and groaned.

"I wanted to impress your mother," she said.

He laughed. "Don't worry, she can't bake, she'll never be able to tell we used store bought frosting."


"I promise."

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