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First off, I want to say thanks again (third time in a twelve hour period!!) for the now 93 reads. It means so much to me, and I feel really great. Makes me sad that I probably won't be able to update next week, but I'll try my best!! Can't wait for the 100 read special guys!

Okay, secondly, I'm terrible with the Frieza ones, which is really just more of a reason to do them. ALWAYS GOTTA PRACTICE!!! -


Your muscles ached from obscenity that Frieza called a 'terrorist attack.' Needless to say, the weird bird beaked people had been extinguished. Every single one. Ever.

So he had a bit of free time now, now that planets weren't exactly knocking down his space ship door to come up with treaties.

On the bright side, he was dedicating all of his time to the recovery of a certain Icejin warrior.

"How are you doing?" He asked one day during your training.

"I'm okay," you said, though you were lying. Bandages were wrapped around the upper half of your back.

"You ripped your stitches again." He said simply.

"That's their fault, not mine. Tell the doctors to stitch them tighter next time."

"It does not work like that and you know it." He sighed. "Look. You're bleeding again. How do you expect to get better if you don't let yourself heal?"

"Force?" You questioned, but stopped training.

He grabbed your hand, and you blushed.

"You need to go get stitched up again before you bleed out."

You rolled your eyes.

"If you upset your stitches again, I will not take you to have them fixed. I will let you die."

"Sure, Lord Frieza, sure." You were the only one that could take that tone with him and not get killed.

"No, really," He said, "I will watch you bleed out on the floor."

"Oh yes, because you got all worked up when that guy attacked me just to see me bleed out on the floor."

"Of course. I wanted to make sure your death was slow and painful." Now he was the one blushing.

You realized you were still holding hands when you walked into Doctor Malaka's office and he gave you a strange look.

"I was just showing her where to go," Frieza said.

You knew how to get to Doctor Malaka's though.

"She pulled out her stitches again."

"(y/n), I thought I told you no more training until those healed!" Malaka said.


"I don't know what to do with you!"

"We're going to have to find you a babysitter then, to make sure you don't strain your back again."

"Aw, what?! C'mon! I'm a warrior. I don't need a babysitter!!"

"Yes. You do." The Doctor turned his attention away from you. "Ah, Zarbon, could you come here?"

Frieza's eyes widened. "Zarbon? You're choosing Zarbon to watch over her?"

"Well, we don't have any females on the ship besides (y/n) here, and Zarbon's pretty close with that long flippy braid of his."

"Cancel that. I will watch over her myself. Zarbon can be easily persuaded to do what (y/n) wants with shiny objects."

"Lord Frieza," you said in shock, "Don't you have more important things to be doing that watching over me all day?"

"No. It is imperative that you get healed up as soon as possible so that business can resume normally. And with out you, it's a bit harder."

You smiled, but didn't know what to say.

The doctor sewed you back up again, and Frezia took you back to your room to rest.

He tucked you in semi-begrudgingly, only because you were to groggy to do it yourself.

Dodoria had brought him a stack of papers, and much to your surprise, he put on his glasses and started reading.

"Y-you have glasses, Lord Freiza?" You stammered softly, drifting off.

"Yes. Go to sleep now (y/n), and when you wake, I will tell you the story of my partial blindness."

"O-okay." You couldn't wait to hear about Frieza's glasses.

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