(Frieza;1) Yes M'lord?

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Me:Geez, after Frieza, I don't know who else to write in.
Cell:You could always do me again.
Me: Your chapter only got one read. Piccolo's got three.
Cell: Humans...picking that Namekian over me...can't see perfection when it's right in front of their faces.
Me: Yes they do. It comes in the form of Piccolo.
Cell: Nobody likes you.
Me: Not even you?
Cell: Nope. *crosses arms*
Me: Wow, you're so mean Cell. *fake sniffles*
Cell: Are...are you okay?
Me: *fake crying* Y-you're so mean...and so..so..
Cell: *looks half confused, half concered.*
Me: and so gullible!
Cell: -_-
You have been Frieza's 'right hand man' for six months, after you had shown your power during a fight with those dirty Saiyans (Me: *Shudders* Cell: *Laughs*) and their Earthling friends, defeating the Earthlings eaisily, you left the Saiyans for you master, Lord Frieza. Not that you wanted disgusting Saiyan blood on your perfect icejin knuckles.

Needless to say, they were all gone, and Frieza got his immortality, and he rewarded you with this position, and you two have grown quite close.

"(Y/n!)" Frieza called from his meeting.
"Yes, M'lord?" You arrived promplty at the door.
"I value your opinion. Sit. Listen to these people's propositon. Tell me what you think.
He pulled a chair out beside him, motioning for you to sit.
You obeyed, and listened to their proposition.
When they finished, you glanced at Frieza. He nodded, giving you permission to speak freely.
You laughed. Openly. And very hard. Frieza smirked along side you.

"What do you find so funny?" Their leader asked.

"Your cowardice. Where is the benefit for us? All I see here is that you are trying to gain protection by using Frieza's name as a weapon. What? Are you going to put signs in your lawns saying 'Protected by Frieza?' Lord Frieza is not a home insurance company. He is a warrior. If I were him, I would exterminate you all here." You leaned back in your chair, linking your perfect icejin fingers in your lap.

Frieza snickers. "What she says is true," He puts a hand on your shoulder and you can feel blush sneaking its way up your cheeks. "She is the best we have, please, tell me why I should go against my best's words?"

The blue, beaked figures glance at one another until the leader stands up at the end of the table. "Because, if you don't, he nods a head in your direction, we kill you and take her."

You feel strong arms around your shoulders, yanking you up and pulling you out of your chair. One of the blue fellows has you, but it doesn't concern you.

You laugh. "You think you can kill Lord Frieza? You think you can bargain a girl for protection?" You knew your place, that when the time came, you would most likely die in the same way the rest had, under threat. You were okay with it. You knew your precious Frieza would not die, and that was all that really mattered. Not your own safety.

Frizea on the other hand, look a bit upset. "Fools! Unhand her at once!"

You charge up your (k/c) ki, firing at the leader of the blue, beaked people.

The one holding you pulls you in closer to his body, and puts his own arms around yours. He looked at his leaders, bloodied face, and smiled. "An eye for an eye, Princess," he ran his beak down the length of your face, severing your skin.

You ignored the throbbing pain, "Do not call me 'Princess,'" you said, but were afraid to resist, should they do something to Frieza.

"FOOLS!" He screamed, as he saw the blood streaming down your face. "You will pay dearly." He fired a large ki attack, quickly killing several, but as he did so, your captor pressed ki into your back, eleciting a scream of pain from you.

Your vison grew splotchy, getting darker, and you hit the floor.

You had the vauge sense of someone carring you, the gentle back and forth sway of your body. "You were very brave, (y/n,)" Frieza said with a light chuckle.

Cell: Meh.
Me: *smacks*
Cell: *mockingly* 'That was actually mean.'

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