I don't really have a clever title for this part just bare with me

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So. Things have changed a bit around here. Moved the oneshots  (which I just mistyped as oneshits bc I have skinny fingers but far thumbs), I've not really been posting ramblings in here a lot lately either. Mainly bc they're just little things that no one would care about but mostly bc they;re about how my muses all interact in my head and I gotta say that would be worth reporting on but this isn' Tumblr and the concept of RP muses isn't properly understood here from what I gather by looking at the RP books.

Anyway, if anyone has any requests for my oneshot book, just let me know, I'd be more than happy to give it a shot just please bare in mind that inspiration is a fickle bitch that really seems to hate me.

Anyway anyway, how are y'all doing? Personally I'm fuming over all the hate Matt is getting over on tumblr. Like, fuming. They say he's comparing gamers getting hated on to racism but he's clearly not. What he's doing is using big things to demonstrate how the neurological process of prejudice works. It's basic shit if you just pay attention. I swear, if I didn't have so many friends on there I'd deactivate my tumblrs completely and never go near that fucking site ever again. It disgusts me.

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