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D'you ever have a dream that proves how much of a piece of trash you are? Because the last couple nights I've had the same damn dream.

So the media above is a screenshot of shit going down on the blog ask-natemare and, long story short, there was some major Dark!NatePat going on. Check the blog if you want the whole delicious tale.

Anyway you remember a while ago in here I mentioned that I had a recurring dream where I'm on a GTLive stream talking about the science and psychology of shipping and fanfic? Well this time the chat had Matt and Nate read Natepat fics and I contacted stabbity-stab-stab and septicplier-away, the admins of ask-natemare and Deathpat respectively, and the boys read through the asks for the the Dark!NatePat.

And they got into it.

Like, Matt got full-on in character and properly kissed Nate.

And they started making out.

And they totally got into it. And Nate was dominant af.

Also I'm saying this right now, headcanon that Natemare is amazing in bed.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)





I'm trash.

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