Consider This

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Okay but imagine Nate going through a Genocide Run solo.

Imagine him doing it with a facecam.

Imagine him naming the player character "Natemare" for a joke.

Imagine seeing that madness slowly ignite.

Seeing his humanity slowly slip away.

Imagine him killing Toriel fairly easily as he did it before accidentally.

But then imagine him feeling really bad about killing Papyrus.

Imagine that remorse slowly fading so that, by the time he faces Muffet, he's relishing in the kills.

Imagine the rage from facing Sans becoming pure bloodlust.

Imagine his expletives giving way to cold words of malice.

Imagine Natemare being fully in control by the time Chara confronts him.

Imagine him reading Chara's endng text without looking at the screen but instead looking directly at the camera.

Imagine him just grabbing the camera as Chara attacks the player, making the facecam go black.

Imagine a familiar scream of pain and fear just as the video ends.

Imagine everything we love about Nate suddenly and abruptly dying.

Imagine it.

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