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Without the earth, there is no sky,
Without the truths, there are no lies,
Without the sorrow, there's no joy,
Without a girl, you have no boy.

If you never love, your heart can't break,
But you'll spend your life alone.
Drifting in sorrow from place to place,
With nowhere to call home.

Without the dark, there is no light,
Without the wrong, there is no right,
Without the evil, there's no good,
Without a drought, you have no flood.

There's no such thing as a pure heart,
For within every soul,
There hides a seed of darkness,
Waiting to take hold.

And conversely, even the blackest of souls,
Have hidden in their hearts,
A tiny seed of kindness,
To deliver them from the dark.

You can dehydrate or you can drown,
Or die in space or underground,
But if a balanced life you wish to know,
You must have both a friend and foe.

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