Scene 2 - Undertale AU - Nate-atton EX

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"Stephanie set this all up you know." Nathan said, his tone cheerful. "She grew attached to you and your little story, so she reactivated traps, sent me to kill you... created false dangers to save you from." A dorky smile spread on his lips and he tilted his head curiously. "And now she's waiting outside for our final battle to start so she can run in and save you again, cementing herself as the hero in your story."

Matt listened in silence, the robot's words annoyed him. He trusted Stephanie, regardless of whether she'd been the one to reactivate the lasers or not, she'd still saved his life several times since he'd met her. Morgan, the head of the Royal Guard, seemed to trust her but then again, the warrior woman hadn't exactly been subtle about her liking the meek scientist. As well as that, the bot before him had been created by Stephanie herself so he would naturally have a better idea of what was going on that he or Morgan did.

"Tell you what would be fun though," Nathan continued, "killing you myself, with no interruptions, in front of my live audience."

The door behind Matt suddenly slammed shut, prompting a loud banging on its surface and Stephanie's worried voice, shouting to be heard;

"Hey! What happened? The door just locked by itself all of a sudden."

Matt didn't look away from Nathan even once, he knew he needed to keep his guard up. He hadn't harmed anyone on his journey so far and he intended to keep it that way.

There was a jolting in the floor that made the theorist stumble momentarily and suddenly he was standing on  raised stage which proceeded to rocket into the sky.

His glasses crooked, Nathan raised his arms grandly. "Real drama! Real bloodshed! In our new show: Attack Of The Killer Robot!"

Matt readied himself for whatever attacks Nathan had to throw at him as he felt the familiar sensation of being condensed down to his Soul, quickly noticing that he was golden in this battle as opposed to the usual red. Concentrating his determination, he managed to loose some shots at his opponent.

"That worthless pea-shooter won't work on me darling." Nathan taunted, the an audible smirk in his voice before sending bombs and bricks Matt's way.

Matt huffed and maneuvered his way around the bombs, shooting his way through the blocks. One caught him and he bit back a yelp as pain shot through him and he took damage.

"Listen darling," Nathan chimed in, "I've seen you fight, you're weak. If you continue forward, Johnathan will take your Soul. And with it he will destroy humanity."

Matt ignored Nathan's words and focused on dodging the new wave of blocks that was sent his way.

"But if I get your Soul, I can stop Johnathan's plan. I can save humanity from destruction."

More bricks and bombs were sent Matt's way and he dodged and shot his way through again, getting hit a couple of times. He grimaced, his HP was low. Looking in his pockets, he hastily consumed a Nice Cream, bringing him back to full health. Like every turn before, Matt did nothing, determined not to hurt the robot if he could help it.

Nathan continued, "Then, using your Soul, I'll cross through the barrier and become the star I've always dreamed of being. Hundreds! Thousands! No... millions of humans will watch me!"

The attacks continued relentlessly, and Matt desperately tried to avoid being hit. The theorist could practically feel the smugness coming off the robot in waves.

"Glitz! Glamour! I'll finally have it all! So what if a few people have to die? That's show business baby!"

Matt growled, this bot was becoming insufferable, the FIGHT option was becoming more and more tempting here. Suddenly his cellphone started ringing, he picked up, and Stephanie's voice came through.

"U..uh... I can't see what's going on in there but... D-d-don't give up okay!? Th... there's o-one  l-last way to beat Nathan." She paused, uncertainty hanging in the air. "It's... um... it's..."  another pause, longer this time. "It's a work in progress so don't judge it too hard." Stephanie sighed shakily, her anxiety sounding worse than before. "Okay so you know how Nathan always faces forwards? That's because there's a switch on his backside. S-s-so  if y-y-you c-c-can turn him around and... um... press the switch, he'll be... um... he'll be.... vulnerable. Well... g-g-gotta go." Without another word, she hung up, leaving the line dead. 

Matt replaced the phone in his pocket and thought carefully about the best way to get Nathan to turn around. The robot was conceited, that was for certain, so maybe that would work. "Hey Nathan!" He called, "There's a mirror behind you!"

The android's eyes widened, "There is?" he turned around to look and, sure enough, there was a switch in the small of his back.

Matt darted forwards and flipped the switch before quickly retreating. That should do it. According to Stephanie, Nathan's creator, this should make his life a whole lot easier.

Nathan froze, "did you... just flip... my switch?" he said, his voice trembling, the emotion unreadable, somewhere between elation, fear and shock. He spun around to face Matt, his head in his hands and his whole body shaking and convulsing. A cry of pain escaped him and he doubled over, a bright white light emitting from his prone form.

Temporarily blinded, the theorist staggered back, shielding his eyes and wondering what the hell was going on here.

"Oh yes~"

The deep, rich and almost sexual nature of the words Matt heard made him shudder. The brightness had diminished, leaving the room pitch black. Matt uncovered his eyes and saw spotlights descending from the ceiling as his heart, too, sank. He wasn't done here, was he?

The lights turned on and fog hovered in a thick cloud in front of him, a silhouette illuminated in the fog.

"Oh my," the new voice said, "if you flipped my switch that can only mean one thing; you're desperate for the premiere of my new body. How rude."

Matt's pulse quickened, this wasn't at all what was supposed to happen. New body? Did Nathan have a second form?

"Lucky for you, I've been aching to show this off for some time. So, as thanks, I'll give you a handsome reward... I'll make your last living moments..."

The fog faded to reveal a new figure. Nathan looked drastically different now. His once feeble limbs were now muscular and looked like they could crush Matt easily. His glasses were gone and his joyful eyes and dorky smile were slier and more flirtatious. He brushed his fringe out of his eye and winked at Matt, "ABSOLUTELY beautiful." 

The theorist checked his new opponent like he'd been doing with every new monster he'd come across;

"NATE wants to battle"

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