Something To Help You Relax

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Okay so I don't blab on about Ace Attorney in here as much as I probably should seeing as how it's still a major obsession of mine and how I RP as four of the prosecutors in the series. But, aside from the characters and plot, one thing the series really does well is its soundtrack.

As well as the OST as the songs are in-game, Capcom have released two albums of select songs in different styles; Turnabout Orchestra and Turnabout Jazz Soul. The above media is part of the latter album and is layered over rainymood and the audio and video of a fireplace.

The track is The Fragrance of Dark Coffee, and is the leitmotif of the main prosecutor of the third game in the series. I would explain more but... spoilers. Just trust me when I say this series and its soundtrack deserve a look.

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