Okay but...

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I'm one of the most sadistic, bloodthirsty, heartless writers out there. I legitimately feel no remorse killing my characters despite them being real people. I get the most twisted pleasure out of causing emotional distress. I absolutely love when the hero loses, when they lose everything. The more pain I see, the happier I am. This even carries over to real life, I absolutely love seeing people hurting. I don't know why but I just love seeing pain in people's eyes. Especially strong men. For some reason, seeing them begging for mercy and covered in their own blood excites me so much.

And yet, I'm the most sensitive, emotional girl you could ever meet.

I'm unimaginably maternal, being exceedingly protective of friends. And I literally consider everyone a friend. It's so odd, almost like I'm two different people. I will always defend people but there's always a part of me that wants to just leave them and watch them suffer. My philosophy is "you hurt my friends, I kill you" and it always has been. I'm not sure what or who I am to be honest, and I don't know why I'm even posting this. I may delete this but may leave it up for posterity, I'm not sure.

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