Updates and Stuffs

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Okay so I've got some news regarding Monster Inside. First, as you've prolly seen, I'm putting it on hiatus. Reason being, Your Worst Nightmare is sorta in the forefront of my noggin atm so that's what Imma be focusing on. Second off, Imma be changing a couple things in earlier chapters when I get back to it to make it more solidly fit the image I've got in my head. Lastly, a very important thingy: Monster Inside is gonna be a two book series. The first one, currently titled Monster Inside, will be renamed to 'Cause' and remain written in 1st person present tense and the second will be titled 'Effect' and written in 3rd person past tense. Why? Bc the image I've got in my head... I can't write my torture porn in 1st person at all lol. Also, if anyone was wondering who the shooter was cosplaying as, he was cosplaying as Albert Wesker from RE.

Lastly, I am planning on writing some fluffy Stephpat at some point so I'm open to scenarios/AUs to set it in. There is a shocking lack of Stephpat fanfic tbh. Stephpat being Matt and Stephanie.

They're fucking adorable fite me.

Also, in regards to the media, I'M ALWAYS A SLUT FOR ORCHESTRA!!!!!! 

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