I need some advice

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Okay so here's the skinny;
I'm in a D&D group with some friends and we just finished our first little campaign. It was really fun and other than it royally fucking up a sleep schedule I was in the process of trying to fix it was something I'd do again in a heartbeat.

Here's my problem; they want to do a Curse of Strahd campaign. The same one the Waffle Crew are doing rn. And due to my keeping up with it I'm fucking terrified. It's gotten to a point where it's become an anxiety trigger and I really don't want to do it but I feel like I have to. Serena's gimmick is that she's the cynical bitch who's a deceiver and super observant and from what the Waffle Crew have gone through in their campaign it looks like she'll be needed. Not only that, they're super excited about it. They're really hyped for it, especially my friend Bry who'll be DMing the campaign, and I don't wanna disappoint them.

I don't wanna disappoint them but I really don't wanna go to Barovia anymore. I was hyped too but I just...

I can't do this.

Help me

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