When will my muses return from the war?

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So I'm an RPer on tumblr. My muses being characters from the Ace Attorney series. And normally I can conjure them up at a moments notice. But, for some reason, they're not cooperating today. And what makes this doubly annoying is that I actually have RP responses that I owe. I'm really enjoying even if it's barely started the role play I'm doing with mangledmasks because holy balls they are writing goals. It's very interesting to throw my muse, a man from a fictional universe, into what is basically the real world and have him interact with Natemare of all people.

On top of that I've got chapter, what is it, seven of my FanFiction to write but I'm just not feeling it right now.

It's just so annoying when my muses don't co-operate with me. I'm sure you guys know what it's like; you just can't you know?

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