When he entered the poor-looking building, he took the stairs to Harry’s flat and he was about to knock when the door was open slightly and he pushed it, walking through. The tiny apartment was silent and he was about to walk away when he saw a figure sitting on the foot of the bed. Harry. As always, he was dressed in black. He had his head bowed, his knees up and his elbows on his knees. His hair was falling over his eyes so Niall couldn’t see his expression. Niall paused, debating whether to go see him or not. “Harry?” he asked nervously and the teen looked up. Harry’s face was pale, his eyes sore and puffy-looking as if he hadn’t slept in days. But relief flooded through Niall all the same, knowing that he was okay. “I’ve been looking all over for you.” Niall smiled, in attempt to sound cheerful but Harry just snorted in reply. “Good for you.” He answered flatly and Niall sighed, deciding to sit down next to the skinny lad. Harry tensed next to him as soon as their arms brushed together. They sat in silence for a couple of minutes, before Niall decided to speak again.

“Did you hear about…?”

“Hannah? Yeah, I heard.” Harry said quickly, biting his lip and sniffing a little. Niall cleared his throat a little, unsure of what to say. “And did you hear about-“

“That she was pregnant? Yeah, I knew about that, too.” Harry spat, almost impatiently. Niall flinched, feeling a little uncomfortable. “Harry, I’m really sorry about-“

“If you’ve come here to pity over me, you’re wasting your time.” Harry barked, looking up at Niall with a fierce look, his jaw clenched and shooting daggers at him. Niall flushed pink, opening his mouth and closing it again. “Well, I just thought, cause I know what it’s like to see someone-“

“No, you don’t, do you? That’s just your job. You see people die all the time, obviously you don’t know what it’s like. Honestly, I have tried and tried so hard to get my life back on track and I always end up getting shit in return. Hannah dying just proves that.” He said bluntly, shaking his head a little. Niall was a little surprised. “You were trying to get your life back?” he asked and Harry smirked. “Yeah. We were gonna have a girl. Got a bunch of baby stuff and everything the other day.” Harry explained, nodding toward the baby crib that had cuddly toys piled on top of it. Niall’s heart melted at the sight, a small smile creeping on his lips. “You’d be a great dad, y’know.” Niall complimented and Harry gave a cold laugh. “Me? Hannah was better off without me but she didn’t see it. I’d be nothing but trouble for the kid.” He shrugged, staring at his hands on his lap. Niall sighed, staring ahead of him.

“Do you think I’d be able to see her? Hannah?” Harry asked curiously, looking up to Niall again. Niall blanched, looking defeated. “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, Harry.” Niall admitted and Harry’s face fell. “Please. I never even got to say good-bye to her.” Harry pleaded and Niall bit his lip. “All right, come with me.” Niall finally agreed, standing up and Harry beamed, standing up with him. Niall drove Harry to his work, giving Harry a visitors badge before they entered and he lead him down to the autopsy. Harry followed Niall behind him, his hands sunk deep in his pockets and when Niall entered the lab, Ryan wasn’t around. Hannah’s body had a white sheet pulled over her so he pulled it back, her pale face appearing for Harry to see. Harry said nothing for a seconds, but stared emotionlessly at the lifeless body before that stared back. That was until Harry’s bottom lip started to tremble and Harry moved inward to Niall, wrapping his arms around the blonde lad. Niall froze, his body burning up as Harry gripped his arms, sobbing uncontrollably into his chest. He couldn’t even comfort him. He didn’t know what to say.

Niall felt relieved when the door opened, only to find Louis walking through. “What the hell is he doing here?!” he shouted, furious with Niall. Harry automatically stopped crying, his eyes falling on the Doncaster lad. “He’s just seeing Hannah.” Niall explained, his hand on the small of Harry’s back. “Well he can’t ‘just see Hannah’ Niall, because you, of all people, should know that they aren’t allowed to see them until examination is over.” Louis spat, frowning at Niall. Niall sighed, glancing at Harry. “Go wait in the waiting area, I’ll be there soon.” Niall ordered and Harry nodded, brushing past them both with his head bowed. “I don’t know what you’re up to Niall, but you can’t just bring him in here!” Louis shouted when the door had closed. “He just lost a family, Louis! Show some respect! Wouldn’t you do want to see your family if they died?” Niall argued and Louis rolled his eyes. “This isn’t about me! This is about Harry-“

“I asked you a question, Louis. You would want that, if it was Eleanor, wouldn’t you?” Niall frowned and Louis blanched, falling silent. “Exactly. And that’s the same with Harry. He feels the same way about Hannah right now and that’s why I did it. You, of all people, should understand that.” Niall said darkly before brushing past Louis, leaving him dumbfounded and heading up to take Harry home.


Hi guys! Here's the next chapter of Undercover!! Please leave a lot of detailed comments guys, I'm really looking for proper feedback, it'd really mean a lot. Thank you so much :) x

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