Chapter 3.

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By the end of the week, Niall was knackered. That Friday night he entered his flat, welcomed by his friends Zayn and Liam. Liam was a firefighter and worked at the local fire station; that's how him and Niall met. Liam had found a deadly body amongst the smoke and ash and had alerted the police- where Niall was at the time- and that's how they became friends. Zayn was an English teacher at a primary school not far from where they lived and Zayn and Liam were already friends, which Niall had no problem with since Zayn is genially a lovely lad.

Liam was propped up on the leather couch against the window, his fingers typing away on his laptop that was on his lap and Zayn was leaning against the kitchen table, reading their local newspaper. Liam shot Niall a kind smile before Niall headed into the kitchen to join Zayn. He dumped Harry's file on to the table and Zayn glanced at it, eyebrows raised.

"Is that Harry's file?" He asked curiously and Niall hummed in reply. "Can I read it?" He asked hopefully and Niall snorted. "Nope. Data Protection Act, sorry." Niall smiled, snatching the file of Zayn. Zayn pouted. "Hey. You've been bragging on for about a year about how excited you were for this case." Zayn pointed out and Niall shrugged. "Sorry. It's our policy." Niall sighed and Liam smiled. "You could at least tell us what he's like." Liam suggested and Niall thought for a bit.

"He's...stubborn. And tense. And very protective." Niall decided and Liam snorted. "After what he's been through, I'm not surprised." Liam replied and Niall nodded in agreement. He headed into his room, shrugging off his jacket and laying his police badge on the desk. His phone vibrated in his pocket and when he looked at the caller ID, he was surprised to answer to Louis.

"Hey Ni, look outside for me." Louis said quickly and Niall paused at the sudden demanding tone of his voice. "What?" Niall frowned. "Just do it." Louis said impatiently and Niall sighed, heading over to his window. His eyes travelled over to the other side of the street where he found Louis by himself, looking up at him. Niall frowned further when he waved at him. "Now look below you." He demanded and Niall lowered his head until he was gazing down at a curly haired lad below him. Nialls heart began hammering underneath his shirt, watching the younger boy.

"What do you want me to do?" Niall asked, now looking at Louis who shook his head. "Nothing. Just try and stay low, it's better if he doesn't know where you live. Just keep an eye on him." Louis said and when Niall nodded, he hung up. Niall bit his lip, watching the younger lad before him. He was dressed in black leather jacket, his hair swept to the side and a pair of tight jeans hung on his hips. With a phone in his hand, he walked along the alley and disappeared out of Nialls sight. Niall sighed, heading into the living room and sitting down next to Liam.

"Feel like going out tonight?" Zayn offered and Niall groaned in reply. "I'm knackered." Niall mumbled which Liam chuckled at. Zayn raised an eyebrow. "I would've thought you'd be begging to go out for some beer tonight." Liam teased and Niall smirked. "Nah, this new case has got me shattered. I'm turning in tonight, guys." He decided and Zayn shook his head. "You've been working your butt off for this case, you deserve a night out. Besides, it's Friday! Happy hour and all." Zayn joked and Niall laughed.

In the end, Niall was dragged to their local pub and Niall let them take him in. It was Liam's night to take the rounds and Niall let the boys spoil him rotten with beers and shots. By the fourth pint of beer and four shots, Niall was completely hammered. His intoxicated body swayed as he stood up from his seat and looked around him, sooner realising that his best friends had abandoned him. Zayn was grinding against a lucky girl on the dance floor while Liam was playing pool with a few of his work mates. How could they be less drunk than him? Niall was sure to kill them in the morning, if he had the energy.

He was to the front of the stage where he caught a curly haired lad sitting on a chair, a microphone in front of him as a guitar balanced on his lap. He frowned at the recognition, wondering what the hell Harry Styles was doing on a stage. His thoughts were answered when Harry started to sing, "I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth. And if it's true, it's you, it's you they add up too. And I'm in love with you, and all these little things," The song continued on Nialls stomach started to stir at the meaningful words. Stirring with sickness or nervousness, he wasn't sure. Harry's voice was deep and croaky and Niall couldn't help but state with wonder at the boy; wondering how such a troubled lad could look so innocent.

He glanced back at the bar, debating whether he should have another drink or not when something- or rather someone- caught his eyes. Even just by looking at his body language, Niall could tell he wasn't supposed to be here. That he meant trouble. His body was leaning slumped against the bar, one arm on the table and a thick, black hoodie draped over his head to cover his face. But Niall could clearly see dark eyes glaring right at Harry, which Harry seemed to be unaware of. Niall gulped, unable to take his eyes off the suspicious man. When Harry finished his song, he sat his guitar up at the side of the wall and Niall watched the other man leave.

He glanced back at his two best friends, taking one last look to make sure they were okay and enjoying themselves, before leaving swiftly out the bar. He headed out into the bitter winters cold, cursing at himself for forgetting to bring a jacket. He was amazed to see Harry out before him, the man in black following after him. Niall followed the man, keeping his footsteps as light as possible. His balance wasn't that great since the Irish lad couldn't hold his liquor for a full night but he surprisingly managed to catch up with him.

"Hey! You might wanna keep your hands off that kid, or you'll regret it." Niall shouted, making their heads turn round. Harry was surprised to hear the familiar thick Irish accent but was followed by disappointed when he realised that he was no use in saving his life because he was drunk. The man in black sauntered toward Niall who gave him a clueless look. "And what makes you think I regret anything?" The man challenged, gently pushing Nialls chest. It was only a small push, but because Niall was so intoxicated in the first place, it had more effect than it should. Niall stumbled back a little, his eyes wondering over the strange man when Harry was by his side in seconds.

"Dude, you don't know who you're messing with, here. He could be a cop for you all you know. " Harry said lowly, grabbing at the mans wrist and pulling him backwards away from Niall. Worry flashed on Harry's face when the man stepped forward but when he realised it was two against one (to Harry, a drunk cop was better than no cop at all) the man sighed and walked off, leaving Harry amazed at the blonde haired lad.

His smile faltered a little when he stared at Niall, his face sad looking. "You better stay out of trouble, if you wanna keep that job of yours." Harry demanded, his tone sounding almost threatening. In reality, if Niall was sober, he would've been angry. He would've shouted at Harry, saying that he wasn't one to talk since he didn't even have a job- but instead, he jumped at the feeling of Harry's hand touching his wrist, pulling him close. His fingers practically burned holes into his piercing cold skin and Niall wondered if it was the alcohol going to his head. He shivered at his touch, Harry noticing the goosebumps rising on his bare arms.

He shrugged his leather jacket off and politely draped it over Nialls shoulders, wrapping it around him. Nialls was about to take it off when Harry stopped him. "Keep it. You need it more than I do." He smirked, patting his shoulder before walking off, leaving Niall alone in the dark.


Hi guys! I'm really sorry this is short (again) but I've been really busy and it will get better, I promise! Please keep commenting more and more, I really want to hear what you guys have to say. Thank you! :) xxx

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