chapter 48

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I felt the need to explain myself to them, I wanted to be something other than what they thought I was so I threw off my haughty facade and tapped into the well of empathy I kept well hidden inside.

I didn't like to admit it but the need to fit in controlled me too. I looked at Marv shyly and in return he frowned at me. He positioned his palm on his forehead to shade him from the sun.

How do I do this?

Play his card?

Yeah that can work.

No one can resist the puppy face.

I looked down at feet and slowly lifted my head to look at, he watched me with curiosity .

Watch the timing .

No one thinks that.

Well you have to, it's all drama basically.

I conjured up my most vivid Bambi memory and imitated him, opening my little beady eyes as wide as I could manage and pouting as well. It wasn't hard to tell if it had worked, the little smirk that had started forming on his lips quickly faded and his mouth went dry.

Feeling awkward are we?

I was pleased, so pleased I forgot to keep up my act and did the chicken dance in triumph. His laughter rumbled and  he held one arm against his stomach as he pointed the other at me.

Well that's one way to cheer him up.

"What the hell are you doing?" he managed between spasms of laughter.

I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Dancing," I scowled.

He laughed even harder and narrated to our gaping friends who at the end of it burst out just as he had.

"I'll have you know that I'm a good dancer," my cheeks were quickly heating up from embarrassment.

"Oh yeah," he drawled, "and who told you that?"

"No one had to," I huffed, "I know because every time I start dancing, people stop and stare. Obviously I'm so good."

A thunderous sound escaped his throat and this time he jumped up and down as he laughed. He looked out of place doing that, I could easily place him for a child.
"What," I asked.

When the last of the spasms were over, he stood next to me and patted me on the back as he said, "they don't stop because you're good, they stop because you're irresistible entertainment."

I still didn't get why he found it so funny, I mean is it so bad to an entertainer?

"How is that bad?" I asked obviously not catching on.

"OK how about this, when you dance, are you always alone or do you start out with your friends?" he asked, one hand on my shoulder.

I could feel the weight of him, it crushed down on me but I refused to show  it, after all I am not weak.

"Well with me obviously," I tried to catch on.

"And when you start dancing, do they still remain with you?" he asked.

Well no... they have to d..

Oh my God they are ashamed of me.

It is not easy to keep a straight face when a realization hits you and you don't want to show the person who hinted on it that they were right.

Marv looked at me with a triumphant smirk, he knew he was right even as I struggled not to show it and as I made a bunch of funny faces in an attempt to tame my turbulent emotions,  he shook with more laughter.

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