chapter 5

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The spark between me and kamakozi was purely ego based. With us, every thing was a silent dare. We just shared looks and little smiles, just between us, no one else ever noticed. It made it all the more thrilling.

I wanted to talk to him but I couldn't figure out what I'd say if I got the chance, so I created a facade to mask my frustration, I looked serious and did my best to keep a distance from him and his friends.

The school term was coming to an end, I'd made some great friends and I looked forward to the next, in fact, I dreaded the closing of the term. It was like I was being forced to leave Narnia when I'd only just had a glimpse of how awesome it was.

Izhar got a crush too, a guy name Tony, he was more of a beautiful boy, flawless baby skin and he was majoring in chemistry. They didn't talk. Instead, they had that same stare dance me and Kamakozi had.

She stared at him every second she got and even made some friends in his class so she could have an excuse to be around him most of the day.

Luckily, our literature class was close to his class and she had endless trips to the bathroom to see him and so he could see her too. It was amusing and we teased her for it.

During one literature lesson when Izhar had gone to have one of her many bathroom breaks, I met Marv. He had a clean look and wore a uniform that fit him perfectly, not too tight, not loose.

Amitah introduced him to me, she called him over from the dining hall to ask him for his sweater, it had been a brutally cold morning. He came over, greeted us and after she'd asked, he gave his sweater to her.

He had a controlled air about him. I wouldn't call him reserved and I wouldn't call him wild either, he knew how to balance both things.  I didn't think much of him except that he was a decent guy and he could be a good friend.

After Amitah introduced us, he left for the dining hall again, that is where he was having his free period from.

I saw Marv around a lot especially since Amitah and him were good friends, we bumped into him all the time, on campus grounds, in class and in the field occasionally.

I even got to see his playful side most of the time, he made people laugh. He made so many jokes and dissed people, purely for fun though, I found him pretty cool.

And one morning while we were having breakfast Amitah told me a little more about him.

"Hey Amitah good morning," a girl I didn't know said as she walked over to our table.

"Hey Jolly, you have been rare, " Amitah replied.

"Haha no I'm around it's just school and we are in different streams so it's hard to see you often."

"Really, you could try and pass by my dorm you know. "

"Haha I will some time, I've to go now, bye. "

She watched her go to another table to join some other girls and I watched Amitah as she watched Jolly go, she didn't look happy about seeing the girl so I asked her why.

"You don't look happy to have seen her, what's up? "

"I don't like her because she is hurting Marv. "

"Marv?  Sweater guy Marv? That Marv, he is in a relationship? With her? "

"Yes, they have been together close to three years now. "

"Wow!  My longest relationship was a year and about three months. "

"He is a really nice guy but she is being a bitch to him. "

"Well why can't he dump her and be happy without her? "

"Well because he loves her and he doesn't want to be the bad guy. "

"Does she love him? "

" I'm not even sure she does anymore, they don't talk much but none of them is attempting to let go. "

"Why are they in a relationship that's only making them miserable? They should just let go and give each other a chance to find someone better ."

"That's their shit, I hope Marv leaves her , he deserves better. "

I didn't know Marv well enough but I felt my heart go out to him and I immediately resented Jolly, how could anyone hurt such a nice guy, there were few of them as it was and once you found one, you held on to him for as long as you could because they were as rare as a blue moon.

Since our school was a boarding school,we were allowed one visitation day a term, and that day for us had come. It was the day our parents met with our teachers and discussed our grades and how we could possibly improve them.

Us students dreaded that talk time with the teachers and looked forward to all the nice things our parents brought for us after.

For me and my friends, it was another day to strengthen our bond,our parents came one by one and we met all our friends parents. It was like one big family, it made us feel closer together,more connected.

After all our parents left,we hang around our class, shared some soda, cracked jokes and laughed. Anye and Izhar indulged in their usual spotting and as Anye was trailing a certain boy, she tripped and fell between a group of boys that the one she was following had just joined. It was embarrassing. She just picked herself up and run up towards us.

We laughed at her. It couldn't be helped, her fall was funny. Staring at us, the people in class thought we had spiked our drinks with alcohol. If only they knew we were high on soda, it was nice to keep them guessing though .

We went back to the dorms contented, seeing our family members had made us feel good. The day ended with us sharing stories of our favourite family moments and listening to others' stories.  It was a good night.

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