chapter 1

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"What happened to you guys?" asked Ven.

"Well the whole class was making noise and since none of us helped the teachers identify the culprits, we all got punished for it. So much for solidarity," I explained.

"Brie! bold heads really?" Ven laughed.

My first literature class and the most interesting thing in my new school so far was that my head was shaved clean. Not how I'd imagined it would be.

I hated being in a new school because now I had to make new friends and reinvent myself, so I could nip out the flaws. I hated to admit it but I actually wanted to fit in with everyone.

I'd made some new friends,well friend to be exact, Ven. I'd found her crying on my evening walk on the first day and stopped to ask her why she was so upset. She'd lost some of her stuff so I helped her look for it and that's how we became friends.

Ven was unlike me. She was vibrant and out there, the social butterfly. She met a tonne of people each day who she introduced me to later on and always had all these new gossip stories to tell me. Who was cool enough to know about? Today's sweet news however was about her.

"Where were you during class? " I asked.

"I stayed in class to get us a desk and this guy next to where I was seated started talking to me. His name is Josh. He called me pretty and offered to show me all the cool boys." she answered gleefully.

"We have cool boys? "I asked.

"Yes, you know Kamara and his boys. They are so hot and I met them."

"They're just boys Ven, just boys." I told her unmoved.

Relationships were the last thing on my mind especially since my last failed one. I don't understand what always happens, I did the the right thing, stayed faithful, listened and did what made him happy and it wasn't enough, he still dumped me on Facebook. After all that, i had no room for boys in my life.

Atleast the new school gave me a new environment to let it pass.

"Let's go to dorm Ven" I said.

"Should I help you with a sweater to cover your head? Everyone's doing that, the girls anyway," my friend offered.

"Oh no,I'm good. It'll be a while before my hair grows back. I might as well get used to walking around like this. "

I found it weird that anyone would try to hide their heads when we were all bald. I doubt anyone would be making fun of anyone because of how they looked like.

We walked to the dorm silently. Mine was the first so we went in there instead before we prepared to go for supper.

There was a skinny girl standing next to my bunk bed, talking animatedly to some other girls whose complete attention was on her. She was telling them about twilight, apparently a continuation to the saga in which Renesme ended up with a Ugandan guy instead of Jacob as people had assumed.

Ven joined in to listen and after she was done they gasped and promised to look for it over the holidays.

"Hey " I turned to the narrator.

"Wassup," she smiled.

"Where did you watch that from?" She laughed at me and whispered that'd she'd lied to entertain them.

"How do you that? " I asked amazed.

"I don't know, I just keep talking and it keeps coming, "she said.

"I'm Ella by the way, " she reached her hand out to me.

"I'm Tutu. " I smiled.

"hey you're the girl that was seated next to me, you know in my Divinity class. I'm Harry. You're in my stream. " A darker girl said.

"Oh yeah you were with the loud blonde girl" I said. She laughed.

"Jael, she is not so bad once you get to know her." she said.

"We should go to class together, you could sit with us."

"I'd love to. "

I'd made some new friends. I was fitting in and the best part was we were all bald.
That evening we went for supper together and in the dining hall we found some other girls that joined us, Anye from my highschool, Izhar, Candy and Amitah from the same school. We made an entrance that day, it was the first mark we made for ourselves.

We had night preps after supper so we showered and left for our reading rooms.

The girls and boys in this school were weird, they always sat apart,people said it was a tradition or something but we were new here and were used to boys and girls interacting in our previous schools.

We also wanted to see some cute boys so we headed for the middle resource center instead where some the boys were having their night preps. It was overwhelming.

The school had this ridiculous evening uniform where girls wore long black skirts and yellow T-shirts while the boys wore black trousers and red T-shirts. I could not believe anyone could be comfortable with it and yet they were, everyone but me and my new friends.

We sat at the back in the corner and after a while some boys approached us. They made some small talk humiliating eachother to make us laugh.Prep ended so fast I guess we were enjoying our company more than we realized.

We proceeded to our dorm and later commotion broke out, there were two girls fighting over a guy they liked, each one believing he liked them best.

There was alot of excitement caused and Ven and Anye put themselves in charge of getting us the whole story following the fight. They did. These girls clawed at each other and slapped their faces and after a while the spectators who were bored dispersed to their dorms leaving the girls to continue their fight alone.

My first day was hectic and I just wanted to go to bed, my new friends however were super charged by it all and couldn't wait for the next day.
I could.

Hey guys umm it's my first time writing, thought it can't hurt to try it out be alittle supportive feel free to criticize in a helpful and tell me what you think of it. You can also share what you think of the characters, thank you

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