chapter 3

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After Harry's episode with Seph, the rest of us were more reluctant about getting close to boys in that way. We were friends with a lot of them but never flirted or did anything that would result into dating. That didn't stop us from having crushes on them, a lot of them.

Anye and Izhar spent most of their free time moving from class to class looking for cute boys to follow up on. They were too free about it you wouldn't think there was anything wrong with it when they told you about who they found on their search.

Their routine didn't just end on spotting the cute boys, over lunch period they would stare at them while they ate and it made it a point to know everything about them, I called it stalking and they called it fun, well you know that saying, one man's hobby is another's something something.

"You have to come with us today, I found out the cutest guys are in physics class. It's weird that people never check there," Ven said.

Yes, she had joined in on Anye and Izhar's thing.

"That's because no one ever checks for boys at all. And since when do you this, I thought it's just Anye and Izhar? "

"Anye talked me into going with them yesterday and I liked it so I'm going to keep doing it. It's actually fun just come with us and see for yourself."

"I can't Ven it's just weird, " I pleaded.

"C'mon, for me. Just today. Please pleeeaaasseee, " she wasn't going to give up .

"Fine. Just today,am I clear? " Even as I said it, I knew it was so wrong.

"Anha." She was so happy she squealed and hugged me.

"You're going to love this I promise. " she assured me.

"And I get to pick where we go right. Let's go to the science class at the far end of campus, close to the library. Fewer people go there. " I felt better picking that isolated place, less embarrassment awaited me there.

"Haha it's OK. Let me go tell Anye. " She was clearly not moved by my choice.

That day after lunch, we went to the physics class. We were too early so it was mostly empty. While we waited I talked to Sandy since she was on the same block. She found it ridiculous that I'd joined these guys.

The bell rang and people started moving to their classes, we stood on the balcony of the class above to get a better view of everyone who came to that block. There were many good looking boys that passed by, more than I thought were in our school.

And then I saw him. This one boy walking in between two other boys who I could only assume were his friends. He looked up at me and I swear he looked into my eyes. Our eyes held until both of us started to feel uncomfortable and we looked away.

I don't know what it was about him but I looked back to see him as he disappeared under us. There was something about him that set him apart from everyone in school, like a light coming from him. Well either that or I was imagining some crazy things.

My friends didn't seem moved by him as I had, he was just another one of the many cute boys to them. After that moment, I wanted to go to class, I was already late.

But that boy.. I thought of him randomly through the day, he just popped up in my mind and then I stopped thinking of him and never saw him again for a while.

I got a crush on this guy in class soon after that, I named him kamakozi because he reminded me of the villain in Robot boy. I liked him because he was smart and had this controlled air about him, he had a clean look and was closed off. I wanted to know what he was like on the inside.

I stared at him when I thought he wasn't looking but I got caught a few times or found that he was already looking at me and then we'd both turn away. That was the relationship we had, me and him, for the whole term and I actually liked it.

Ella and Harry became best friends that semester. None of us knew how, we just came from class one day and there it was, the title best friends.

I don't know how the others looked at it but it was the second crack in our bond, the selection of favourites in a group of girls who came together because they were the odd man out every where and understood each other perfectly.

I never asked Harry about it. I always hoped she'd tell me about it herself. The two of them talked of boyfriends and things like making out. Besides Candy, the rest of us had little or no experience with that.

We were all seventeen and had never made out. Well I had once but I was too nervous to decide if I actually liked it or not so I figured I technically had not been properly kissed.

Harry also had another best friend, Sandy and I'm the only other person that knew about it. She felt she couldn't tell them because she didn't want them to be upset with her.

Instead, she kept them a secret from each other. Whenever she fought with Ella, she would spend most of her time with Sandy and when she fought with Sandy, she spent her time with Ella.

Sandy knew about Ella but didn't confront Harry hoping that she would eventually tell her. But she did not. She hadn't counted on anyone telling her two best friends but the rest of the girls knew Ella as the official one and when Sandy had finally confronted her about it, she'd felt victimised.

"Mahn shit is tight. Sandy found out about Ella and asked me if she is my best friend," she told me nervously.

"What did you tell her? " I asked genuinely curious.

"The truth mahn . That Ella is my best friend but so is she, " she answered.

"And is she OK with it? " That whole scenario must have been tense.

"Well no, that's the thing. She is mad at me. I told her I need both of them, " she told me.

"But you know you can't possibly like them equally," I said to her thoughtfully.

"Yeah that's what she said." She looked kind of irritated.

"Are you going to tell Ella?" I asked her.

"I have to because she will find out even if I don't and it will be worse then. " She actually looked worried.

"You should, maybe it won't be so bad and you guys can just be three best friends."

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