Chapter 39

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I was euphoric the rest of that evening, I wanted the whole world to know how good I felt and the only thing that stopped me from shouting out was the fear of people's opinions about it.
I ran to the science dorms to find Sandy, I wanted to be the one to tell her about me and Kamakozi, we were going to be together. I literally ran up the stairs and skipped into her dorm, she got off her bed and came to hug me.

"You look so happy," she mused over my glowing face.

"I am extremely happy," I confessed.

"Hmmm what happened?" she asked motioning me to join her on her bed.

I sat down and narrated the whole days happenings, when I was done she was beaming along with me.

"I'm shocked that boy would do that, he doesn't have one emotional bone in his body," she said.

"That's the thing that both scares and excites me, I keep asking myself why me," I said.

"Ah you worry too much, Just enjoy yourself and be swept away," she said.

I relaxed a little knowing now that all my friends were with me on this, if they believed in him then this was safe. I bid Sandy goodbye and left for my dorm, I found the girls talking about who knew before who and what they saw in class between me and him.

I was so excited, I was going to have a boyfriend, yay! I couldn't wait for tomorrow. Should I run to him and hug him or should I maintain a cool attitude and try not to look too eager? I couldn't decide, all that mattered was that I was going to tell him yes.

Night prep moved even slower,it's almost like the universe was getting a kick out of torturing me. When it finally ended, I couldn't sleep fast enough I tried closing my eyes and counting sheep but nothing.

Morning finally came and I jumped out of bed all too eager to shower. It was the earliest I'd ever been up. I went ahead of the girls to the dining hall and had my breakfast and remained there for my morning reading.

I was so happy I didn't notice the absence of my friends until it was 8 o'clock and the first lesson of the day was starting. Our literature teacher cancelled her lesson and that became an automatic free period for us.

I was a little sad because if the lesson had stayed I would have talked to Kamakozi. I walked sluggishly back to the dining hall hoping that I would spot him somewhere on campus. I didn't.

At the entrance of the dining hall I found Candy and Harry waiting for me. Something about the way they looked at me made my stomach drop. Something was wrong, they didn't have to say it for me to know it.

"Hey Brie, we uhhh need to talk to you," Harry looked at Candy then back at me.

"Can we go in?" Candy gestured into the dining hall.

I went in first trying to slow my pounding heart. The butterflies in my stomach turned into moths and they no longer tickled me, they were biting. I took a deep breath to steady myself, and when that seemed to work, I sat at the nearest table to me.

My two friends looked at each other briefly before settling down next to me. The meaningful looks between them continued to making me even more nervous than was possible. My heart was pounding from my throat.

An uncomfortable silence passed between us for a minute or so until Candy decided to break it.

"Brie do you trust your friends?" she asked.

That's an odd question.

"Yeah I do, I mean isn't that what friendship is about? Trust?" I said.

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