Chapter 27

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I couldn't settle at all in class, I was restless and I kept on craning my neck to see what Kamakozi was up to or his reaction as he read Amitah's chits and then I'd look at her sideways to try and see what she was writing without making it obvious at all.

It was pretty hard. That moment, the world around me became a blur and the only people in focus were my friend and the guy I strongly felt for.

I was so immersed in my jealousy that I completely forgot about Flakes who was seated next to me, watching my reactions silently.

He looked laid back leaning against the desk behind us, his eyes glittering with amusement. He watched me for a while and then poked me in the side. I jerked up straight and looked at him angrily.

"What?" I shouted.

He wasn't moved at all but he leaned in closer to me and spoke.
"Eh Brie, can I ask you something?  It's totally private but I'll ask anyway," he said and covered my hand with his.

It was completely swallowed by his large hand. For some reason it reminded me of a huge paw. I could totally see him as a Wolf.

Well what do you know? He could be a werewolf or something.

Anything is possible, even werewolves.

I frowned at him. Something about close contact with people made me uncomfortable and nervous. I had no idea how to react every time someone was in my face or touched me.

"Yeah go on and ask," I said trying to breathe evenly and silently.

That's the other thing, close contact with people left me literally breathless but whenever I avoided that contact, people just assumed I was being proud.

"Do you like him?" he asked calmly.

My breath caught in my throat and I could feel my palms start to get moist.

"Wh_What?" I stuttered.

His smile widened and he raised an eyebrow.

"Do you like him? Kamakozi," he asked more slowly louder this time.

How did he know?

"What do you think?" I said trying to figure out how much he knew.

He laughed but played along.

"Well, for starters you can't stop staring at him and I think it bothers you that he is talking to Amitah and not you. That can only mean you like him, a lot," he said confidently.

He knows! he knows! he knows!

Will you calm down.

I opened my mouth to deny what he had just said but the words didn't come out and my face was changing color fast to a slight red.

"Awwww," he said, "you do."

He knew and I knew and no matter what I would have told him, my face would have betrayed me anyway so I said nothing instead. I guess it was true, Silence means consent.

He looked at me for a while, quietly and then his gaze followed mine to Kamakozi.

"Believe it or not he likes you too," he said quietly.

"Yeah right... I can totally see it," I snorted.

"He does, he talks about you fondly. He loves the way you smile and the way you blush, he calls it cute," he said.

I looked at him not sure how to react. I searched his face for any sign that he was playing with me but I couldn't find any.

Could he be telling the truth?

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