Chapter 23

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"Ven?" I called her.

Josh snapped his fingers and when she didn't respond, he poked her at her side.

She jumped in her seat.

"What?" she asked while rubbing where she had been poked.

"We have been calling you for like five minutes now, where's your head at?" I asked her.

"Oh yeah I was looking at those guys there." I looked over to where she was pointing.

There were three boys and two girls standing next to the window laughing and cheering a couple on. There was a boy seated on a chair and a short girl giving him a lap dance. At first, her back was to him and then she changed positions to face him.

The others screamed and clapped their hands encouraging them to go on.

I looked at Josh and he looked disgusted.

"Haha what's up with you?  You look like you want to throw up," I said.

"Ah that shit is cheap. That babe is a whore," Josh said strongly.

"I thought that's what you liked," I said. I wasn't trying to insult him, I actually did believe he liked girls like that what with his reputation and all. 

"Nah. I'm too good for that. Stunts like those just annoy me. Let me tell you something, no guy likes a cheap babe. They might do stuff with you but that's it, they'll never date or settle down with you," he said rather seriously.

I looked at him carefully trying to see if he was lying or not. He seemed to be telling the truth.

"I am totally shocked," I said honestly.

"Yeah I know, people have a certain way they look at me," he said not at all offended.

"Why do you let them believe those lies?" I asked him.

"I don't have time to explain myself to people. People will always hate no matter what you tell them," Josh said.

He looked smug as he said it but I no longer thought of him as a jerk. It was just a facade and we all had ours.

"True, people will always talk,"  I said. "At the end of the day,  it's your word against theirs so it's all good."

Wait a minute, I am no longer nervous.

Hmm I guess I had nothing to worry about.

"See, my baby is a gentleman," Ven said and she embraced him.

"Baby?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Uh huh," she said shyly.

"You guys are still on?" I asked them.

None of them answered.

"I know Ven likes you Josh but do you like her?" I asked him.

"Yeah I like her a lot. I keep telling her she is my mukiga  love," he said and looked at her.

He loved her, it showed from the way he looked at her. His eyes lit up whenever he did and as for Ven, her face was red. I had to admit, I was a bit jealous, I wanted to feel like that too.

(Sigh) Oh well..

"That's sweet," I said. "What about Joy?"

"It's complicated," he said taken aback.

Ven looked away.

"What's love without a bit of complicated?" I asked. Honestly, I didn't know any love story that didn't get complicated at one point.

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