Chapter 9

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Later that day...

There's something about home that relaxes me and makes me feel at peace. That something is usually better felt when I've taken a while without being home.

I was home. I'd missed my family, my room, the food, the TV, basically everything. Everything was different,looked different and felt different. The people home sounded different.

My little brother Micah was playful and more talkative,my older sister had become more confident and open,my dad, well he was still my dad and my mum, whoa!  She was huge and round.

Hmmm she looks pregnant. do you know what pregnant looks like?

I don't know. I just know. It was the first thing that popped into my mind. I mean our mind.

Maybe we should ask her.

No that'd be weird.

"Brie?" my mum called me back to reality.

"Yes mum."

"I was asking if you would like something to eat. You must be hungry. "

"Oh yeah I'm kinda hungry, I'll go to the kitchen and fix myself something."

"So how was school?"

"It was great. I made some new friends. I actually liked being there. "

"Haha do you still want to change schools?"

"Let's just wait another term and see if all goes well, I'll tell you then. "

"Haha OK. So you like it then? "

"Yeah, a little."

I did like my new school, emphasis on like not love. I wanted to see what it would be like the next term. I was comfortable and I didn't want to change it.

"Haha I told you you'd like it. "

Later that evening I took a walk around my neighborhood. It wasn't so different but it felt like it, probably because it had been a while since I walked through it. 

"Brie, your back from school! Welcome back," my neighbor greeted me.

"Haha thank you. "

"How was school?"

"It was fine, how are you? "

" I'm OK, just going to do some shopping. I wanted to ask you something."

"Yes of course, what is it? "

"Is your mother pregnant?"

"Uhhh I don't know," I was startled by the question and annoyed too but decided not to show it because I didn't want to be disrespectful.

Who asks that boldly?

She does, obviously.

See I'm not the only one who thought that, she might be.

Nah Micah has to be the last one.

"She has grown fat and she really looks pregnant," my nosy neighbor continued oblivious of my irritation.

"I really don't know if she is. I just came back from school and I'm not up to date with what is happening at home.  I doubt she is though." I said my goodbye to her and turned back towards my home.

I couldn't imagine my mum pregnant, our last born was eight years old, the difference between him and the baby would be huge. She could not be pregnant.

When I got home I couldn't stop staring at my mum.  I watched her eat and boy she ate a lot.  It's like she never got full. She was different. She looked adorable and kind of wobbled around more than she walked.  Maybe her being pregnant wouldn't be so bad.

She noticed me staring at her and asked me to sit with her outside.

"I want to tell you something love," she said.

Why does she look nervous?

Are we having financial trouble at home?

"What is it mum? "

"I'm pregnant. haha there's going to be a new member of this. "

Ha! I knew it.

"Haha I had a feeling.  Does dad know? "

I hope it's another boy, then we would be balanced. Two boys and two girls.

"Haha obviously,he was the first person I told. He was so excited but he asked me not to tell you guys yet.  So pretend you don't know."

"Do these guys know?"

I was actually happy and excited. We were having a baby. What would he or she look like.

"Haha no they don't, they will just have to wait and see. "

"So do you know what sex it is?"

"Haha no but I hope they are twins, I've always wanted twins. "

Oh yeah that would be awesome, twin siblings. I wonder if they'll have that twinstinct thing like those twins in twitches,hmmm.

"I've never thought of that. That would be so cool."

"And can you believe,the first person to know was my mother."

"But I thought you said the first person to know was dad. "

"No, he was the first person I told, the first person to know was your grandma. She knew before I did.  She looked at me when I'd gone to visit her and asked me how old my pregnancy was. "

"Whoa!  How did she know?"

"Haha I don't know. When she told me I laughed at her but she assured me so I took a test and it was positive. I was so scared to tell your father because I didn't know how would take a pregnancy at this time when you kids are this grown up. But he was so happy after I told him and now he says I'm delicate and should be treated like a queen."

"Awww I'm so happy for you guys."

I always envied my parents' relationship, they loved each other so much it seemed unreal. My relationships were always disasters but they were always happy. At times like those when my relationships were falling apart, being around them just made me more sad.

"Haha I'm so happy."

"You should be,you deserve to be."

After talking to my mum I sat down to think of all the names we could call the baby when he or she was born.

I couldn't come up with one for a baby girl but if it turned out to be a boy, I was sure I wanted him to be called Obadiah. I don't know why but the name sounded good to me.

Now to convince dad and mum to call him that.

My holiday routine wasn't anything extraordinary. I watched TV, read novels and stayed home most of the time.  My curfew was tight and my parents hardly let me go out of my house. I guess I got so used to it I actually enjoyed being in all day. The idea of going out was exciting but it terrified me as well.

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