Chapter 7

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The rest of dance was OK. We made a lot of noise and stayed close to each other.

Then the boys started to come over. They circled us while dancing and made gestures indicating a challenge. Somehow,all that turned into a dance battle.

One of theirs would make a move and then one of us would try and top them. It was fun, there was a lot of yelling and screaming. We actually looked like good friends.

Anye won the battle. After that,the boys asked the girls to dance and they left with them. It wasn't for long though. They came back saying something about it being our night.

"You guys where is Izhar? " Candy asked.

"I don't know. We were moving around together and she just disappeared, " answered Anye.

"Let me go look for her, " Amitah said as she left.

We went out of the dance hall and continued to the canteen to get some refreshments. That is where Amitah, Izhar and Anye found us.

"Hahaha I found this girl,  you guys can't imagine where, " Amitah said unable to stop laughing.

"Where was she?" We asked in unison.

"In the danger zone," Amitah said.

"Where is that?" I asked again.

"The danger zone. The dark side at the far end of the dance hall. Its where everyone goes when they want to get touchy and make out.

It is usually filled with couples but its congested it gets hard to breathe and you can hardly move without feeling people touch you all over. It's not a place you want to be in," she explained.

"Haha how did you even get there? " I asked Izhar.

"Tony asked me to dance and I didn't want you guys to make a big deal out of it so I slipped away quietly. We just went there because I knew you wouldn't come looking for me there. Obviously I was wrong," Izhar said looking a little bit naughty.

"Would you have told us after the dance?" Anye asked.

"Haha I don't know," she said honestly.

"Haha ignore these girls Izhar, I'm proud of you. So did you guys make out?" Candy asked.

"Haha it was just a dance you guys," she answered laughingly.

"So do you think he likes you? " Harry pressed on.

" Haha I don't know. But it felt good, dancing with him. We talked a little but that was it," she sounded slightly disappointed.

"She was holding on so tight she didn't want to let go, it was cute," Amitah teased.

"And yet you had to kill my moment. Hmph!" said Izhar.

"You guys let's get back to the dance," I told them.

We got back and started to dance. The last one of us to dance with a boy was Ella. A friend of ours Denis asked her if she wanted to dance and she did.

After she left we just watched her dance, all of us exhausted from dancing.

They looked so good together . And then he shifted his hands from her waist to her boobs.  She stiffened for a moment and then pulled back a bit. She smiled at him and said something we couldn't hear from where we were.

Everything happened so slowly it seemed unreal. Her hand raising slowly. Her hand slowly folding into a fist. Her hand slowly moving towards his face and landing right in the middle.

She punched him in the face.

And walked elegantly back to us.  We were dumbstruck.

"Bitch!  What the hell just happened?" Harry couldn't contain her excitement.

"He touched my boobs so I punched him," Ella said unmoved by the whole scene.

"That was awesome!" Anye was jittery with excitement.

We looked back to where Denis had been dancing with her and he still stood there, staring at her not believing what had happened.

"I told you you were feisty and you denied it," I said trying to atop myself from laughing out loud.

"He deserved it that idiot,"Candy said looking quite satisfied with Ella.

"I was getting tired with all this disrespect from these boys, now that'll teach them," she added.

" I told him not to be disrespectful and he agreed. He was not a bad dancer but when he did that, I got so pissed off and my hand just flew to his face. I didn't mean to but I'm glad it happened," Ella explained.

"I'm afraid of her now, " Anye said feigning a frightened look.

After that episode no boys came over to ask us to dance. We were unapproachable before but now Ella's blow made us seem terrifying.

The boys kept their distance and just watched us dance. They wore wistful looks on their faces probably wanting to come over but lacking courage to do so.

The girls on the other hand weren't so pleased with us.  Most of them were whispering while scowling at us and making many other faces we didn't understand.

We stopped dancing and just started watching other people dance.

"You guys look at that girl over there by the pillar, "Amitah said.

"Oh, you mean Benji babe.  She is weird,"Anye said.

"Why do you call her Benji babe?" Ven asked.

"After I became friends with Benji she'd rudely interrupt our conversations," Amitah answered.

"Why would she do that?  Does she like him? "Ella asked.

"I think so. She wears really tight push up bras that make her boobs seem like they could pour out at any moment. And when she is talking to Benji,she sits so close to him she literally burries his face in her boobs.  It's so disturbing," I said.

"And he is OK with it?" Sandy asked.

"He is a boy. That's like going to heaven for him," Ella said.

"Well, it's disgusting for me, " I said.

We looked at her again. There was something odd about the way she was dancing.

The dance ended and Benji babe looked up at us. She smiled at us.  It was an ugly smile. Her face was covered in sweat and it shined.  She looked anything but human  under the light in the room. We still looked at her unable to stop.

She organized herself and left the room.

"She is so weird," Ella said and we all nodded.

When the dance hall was evacuated,the room looked odd.  It was wet all over from the walls to the floors. We were the last ones to leave.

We left for our dorms and then the supper bell was rang. We picked our meals and went back to the dorms.

All anyone could talk about that night was the dance. Who they danced and who danced with who. Everyone had something to share. Everyone but me.

There was only one person I'd wanted to dance with and he hadn't showed up. When I didn't see him, I decided not to dance with any other boy. Maybe Kamakozi wasnt into dances. Maybe or maybe he was already dancing with someone else somewhere on one of the walls.

Not seeing him had ruined my mood so I just listened to my friends relive their night with excitement. For our first dance, it wasn't so bad.

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