Chapter 16

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Dear BBT,

If I could name a favorite subject,  it would be Literature. The literature pieces we study, our class composition. But most of all, I love that Kamakozi is in it with me. We do the same combination so we basically take the same classes.

Today however, we were late to class and there are few seats in the literature room. That should not have been a problem for us because we have a permanent seat in class but this girl Shari (the class terrorist)  decided it was not so and made herself comfortable. Everyone knows that is our seat but does she respect that knowledge? Of course not!  She feels she is above it.

I love my seat because it gives Kamakozi a great view of me. Oh don't judge me!  All is fair in love and I'm still in my fool stages of this. It is allowed. So anyway, back to Shari. I asked her, nicely ofcourse, to move to a new seat. She refused! Can you imagine?

She is so annoying. And she pulls an even lower stunt and tells me she is her period and that she stained her uniform so she can't get up. I know she was lying. She is a drama queen.

I mean honestly, why would you come to class unprepared when you know your period is around the corner?  I then offered her a sanitary and told her to go to the bathroom and clean up before the stain got bigger and more noticeable. It was the logical thing to do right?  Well she didn't think so. 

She said, "Eh eh!  I can't get up nawe. The boys will stare at my butt and see my stain. " What! I was so mad.  Fuming I tell you. So I asked her,"Why would they stare at your butt?  Why would you even turn your butt towards them knowing that you have a stain on your skirt? "

She gave me the most dubious look like I had asked her something so dumb. As if to say, "Who would not stare at my butt?" She couldn't believe I had asked her that and I couldn't believe that she couldn't believe that I had asked her.

She made a dramatic sigh and rolled her eyes at me. I hate it when girls roll their eyes especially at me. It is so dumb and makes them look stupid but they don't know that.  They believe that it makes them look good, formidable even. Pathetic. And then they throw a tantrum when someone calls them blonde, do you see how impossible girls are?

She ignored my annoyed look and graced me with a reply.

"How do you expect me to get out of class then? " And then she looked at her closest neighbor and shared a knowing smile with her then shook her head. Her wonderful neighbor was Benji babe.

BBT, have you ever been so mad you become numb? As in you become completely paralyzed with rage. I swear I started to see things in red, my temperature rose and I became speechless. I had no words for her so I just continued to glare at her in silence.

Then as if forgetting her supposed stain, she stood up so that she could tower over me. I can only guess that that move was meant to intimidate me. It did not! It just me made me even more mad at her. I ripped her her apart in mind. I like it in there, killing is not a crime so I can do it over and over again. As you can imagine, her death inside my head did nothing to her in the actual world hmph!

And then she asked me, "Do you know who I am? "

Haha can you imagine? Who asks that?  Do you know who I am haha does she know who I am?  I smiled at her. Actually I'd wanted to laugh out loud but I'd kept it together. So I asked her.

"Who are you? "

"I'm Shari ." she looked at me in a mean way and waited eagerly for some kind of reaction which judging from the disappointed look on her face is not the one she got. That amused me. She was trying to bully me.  No way, Brie doesn't get bullied, not anymore!

"I can get you into trouble you know. I am friends with all the teachers and head teacher. And they do what I tell them. "

Everyone in class was now paying attention to our conversation. I was so uncomfortable. I hate being the centre of attention it makes me so nervous.

"Good for you. Do what you want with your friends but I still want you out of my seat."

She looked at me in silence for longer than was comfortable. It was an odd look, kind of like respect and admiration put together. I had no idea how to react to that so I looked around for Candy and Amitah  who i had come with. They had disappeared.
I saw that they were seated at some other desk just staring at me with the rest of the class. So much for standing together. I hate fighting and getting mad.  It's such a heavy emotion, it weighs on you. I try to avoid that feeling whenever I can and looking at Shari, I realised I'd done nothing but the opposite. I'd let myself get upset more and more, so stupid.

I was tired and way too embarrassed to continue fighting with her so I proposed a truce. I told her to sit with me just this once but that in the next literature lesson, she had to sit somewhere else. To my surprise she agreed.

We sat next to each other in silence for about ten minutes and then she got up and left. And can you believe it, she had no stain on her uniform! No stain! The teacher didn't come for the lesson today. I guess Shari went out to find a new person to terrorise.

The bell signalling end of class rang and I decided to go to the dorm. The girl in front of turned and smiled at me.

"Thank you."

What is she talking about?

"Huh. For what," I asked her very confused.

"For putting her in her place. She is so used to bullying and disrespecting everyone but you put her in her place. "

"Haha Uhhh you're welcome I guess. "

She packed up her books and then looked at me.

"I'm Rhoda by the way. "

"I'm Brie." I held my hand out to her. "It's nice to meet you."

" You too. "

She seems like a nice person. I like her.

"See you around."

"Yeah, sure. "

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