Chapter 4

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Harry told Ella about her and Sandy. She didn't take it well but she understood. She was still hurt though, in fact the only one that wasn't hurt was Harry, she felt justified.

Ella and Sandy could never properly be friends after that. Every time each of them were around the other, there was an awkwardness that made every one uncomfortable.

They'd been unfairly thrown into a fight for Harry they hadn't asked for and even then Harry still felt like she was the one suffering, always lamenting about how maintaining two best friends was tearing her apart.

So she started comparing the two in the bid to try and find out her ultimate best friend. She found nothing wrong with this and to be honest in the beginning I didn't either.

She concentrated on what was wrong with both of them to see who she liked best and found excuses not to love them instead of seeking out their best traits.

Patient as they both were in the beginning, it didn't last long. Both of them hoped she would choose one of them as the real best friend and demote the other to close friend.

They wanted to spend more time with her each passing day. Unlike most people who would talk ill about each other, they did their best to get along.

Sandy felt Ella was spending too much time with Harry and Ella felt equally the same, none of them ever considered just hanging out the three of them.

Harry on the other hand failed to balance between the two and resorted to spending more time with Ella at school which as can be imagined hurt Sandy. And even though she didn't give up on Harry, she found new friends to try and fill that gap created.

Ella didn't always get along with me, in fact we had nothing in common. Even our looks varied, she was skinny and I was plump, there's a lot she could do that I could not and most of what I could she couldn't either but that didn't stop us from talking or trying to get to know each other.

On one such day as I was walking with her to the dormitory, this guy came out of nowhere and literally swept her off her feet and ran off with her. I was so mad, like really mad at him.

He had robbed me of my walking companion and I was mad at her for letting it happen. I walked off to my dorm and calmed myself. That was the first time I'd seen him, Ash.

"Who was that guy? " I asked her still upset.

"Oh he is called Ash. He is in my geography class, " she answered while smiling.

"I was really upset when he just took you like that and I was mad at you too. You did nothing about it, you just giggled. Who even does that, just carries people in the middle of campus?" I whined  to her.

"Haha I also didn't know he would do that. There was nothing I could do, it was just funny, "  she told still looking happy about it.

"Hmmm I don't like him, " I said.

"He is a nice guy. I just don't know what he wants from me," she said thoughtfully.

"Does he like you? " I asked.

"I don't think so. We just flirt in class, he sends me chits telling me I've seductive eyes." She was blushing.

"That's how it all starts you know, with flirting, " I said.

"Haha I have a boyfriend Brie,  I don't like Ash at all, " she said.

"You have a boyfriend?  But you never talk about him. How come?  Where is he? " I asked a little more interested now.

"I do talk about him but with Harry, I don't think I should tell everyone. Really, it's no big deal plus you know me and you don't talk much, " she said honestly.

That may have been the first personal conversation me and Ella had and after that it became a little easier to to talk to each other.

Our school had a strong sports curriculum and it ensured we had plenty of sports activities through the term. Since the girls and I didn't participate in sports at all, we cheered the players and took walks around the field while listening to music.
The thing we loved most about being in the field was playing little games with people, crazy dares that involved people we weren't already friends with.

That was the second time I saw him, the cute boy that had a glow about him. We stood in a circle and one of us on our turn would bring in a random person of our choice and ask them a bunch of questions that they'd answer or not if they didn't want to. One of my friends brought him in.

"Excuse me, hi," Izhar asked a boy she'd just approached.

"Hey," he answered startled by her.

"Uhh do you mind coming with me over there where my friends are?  Just for a little while, " Izhar asked him.

"Why? What's up? " He looked worried.

"They'd like to ask you a few questions," she told sounding so casual.

His friends were listening as she asked and they shouted and slapped him on the back, some even nudged him in our direction.

He hesitated for a second or two and then came over. I thought he looked scared and nervous, unsure of what to say or how to react. He looked at all of us and then gained a bit of confidence and waited.

"Hey," we all greeted.

"Hey," he answered still looking unnerved.

"What's your name? " Izhar asked him.

"Astro," he answered.

"That's an interesting name, " Amitah said.

"Thanks, so what did you guys want to ask me? "he asked looking around from one face to the next.

We were all startled by the question, we hadn't thought to get past the "what's your name" question and since we had no more questions, we apologized and let him go. 

I watched him walk back to his friends. He felt good, it was clear in the way he walked. The thing that drew me to him was nothing but his face, his Ken doll face.

He had honey brown eyes, they were not small but not too big either. When the light reflected in them, they looked like there was something boiling in them, it made me want to look closer.

He reached his friends and they shared some hi- fives. I imagine they asked him what that was all about and that was the end of it. 

Later that evening when most of the excitement had died down, we started towards our dorms, there was nothing left for us in the field and before we could go through the gate, Kamakozi came out wearing the tightest little pants, they were completely unflattering on him.

All of us just stood in place staring at him, actually gaping in disbelief at his shorts and he passed trying to pull them down I'll bet inwardly praying they would become longer but they didn't and when he was past us,we snapped out of it and walked in silence.

What we had seen had to be given time to fade from our minds, or at least we hoped it would be. It didn't, we just found that laughing at the scene made it easier to live with it and it made him a little more interesting.

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