Chapter 8

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After the school dance, the rest of the term was a bit dull. We had two weeks to the end of the term. They were intense. Everyone was so busy thinking of the end of term exams. People hardly talked to each other let alone got enough sleep. They were panicking.

Discussions were regular and the only way to hang out with your friends. My friends and I were in different streams,well all of them except Harry.

We had managed to raise enough grades to push us up in the end of term exams so we were a lot less stressed than most other people.

Kamakozi started talking to me.  He'd say hi when we walked past each other.
I found out he even kept tabs on my grades.

Not the usual I like you move but it made me feel special still. I guess I was so relieved he acknowledged my existence it didn't matter how exactly he did that.
Harry and her best friend situation got much worse the closer we came to the end of the term. She tried to spend as much time with both girls but it wasn't easy.

Towards the end of the term she'd fallen into a kind of depression. Sandy and Ella had found ways to be OK without her.

It bothered her to see them slowly move on. Well that was my assessment, so she would make peace with them. What she was most afraid of was being alone, with no one to love her.

Soon the tension between Sandy and Ella turned to conflict. No one knows who started it but both of them believed the other didn't like them.

"Hey," I'd gone over to Sandy's dorm.

"Hey Brie,"she answered.

"How you holding up?"

"Oh I'm OK. I have no problem with Ella being Harry's best friend. I just wish she had been honest with me. "

"I think she meant to tell you but she didn't know how to start. "

"It kinda hurt when I found out she was hiding it and you guys knew. "

"I'm so sorry. Ella doesn't hate you. She is in the same position as you. And there's not much she can do about it. "

"I didn't know that."

"You know you guys could all just try and get along. It would be easier and you would avoid getting hurt all the time."

"I've no problem with that, it's up to Ella and Harry now."

I talked to Ella later and she felt the same way. She had no problem with Sandy and didn't mind sharing Harry with her. The last one left was Harry who I'd talked to many times before but she was hesitant to try a trio best friendship.

A week to the end of the term Ella and Harry started having little fights. Harry felt that Ella was more concerned with herself and loved talking more about herself than she did listening.

I firmly believe every human social problem can be solved by talking about it so I told Harry to talk to Ella.  They were best friends, they could find a balance in their communication.

"So did you talk to her? "

"Yeah but nothing changed. She told me she feels the same way.  I talk and hardly listen to her. "

"Well you could both meet halfway."

"But I listen to her.  She is always talking about her boyfriend Jose."

"You know it's possible that both of you listen to each other but require some more attention from each other."

"But Brie I spend more time with Ella than I do than Sandy, she should at least  feel special."

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