Chapter 27 | Destiny Is A Myth

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Chapter 27 | Destiny Is A Myth

I thought it was about time that you knew that whatever third grade teacher told you that plains were a flat stretch of land, was bullshitting you. In the Realm, right now? The plains were full of hills. They rolled up and down all the way to the horizon. I groaned as we crested pretty big one. Kate and Wren seemed to have no trouble doing this, but me? I was really missing the Forest right about now. Pandora seemed to be agreeing, because a sheen of sweat covered her forehead. It didn’t cover mine though, because it was nighttime. The Moon powered me, and when I looked at it, I saw silver waves of energy flowing down to me. I asked Kate if she saw this, and she’d just shrugged.

  Now, two days later, we were still walking. Our sleeping patterns were a little off, we’d just pass out in one spot when a person caved and said they were tired. More often than not, that person was me. Ridge stayed back with me, fixing his jade eyes on the horizon while I worked up the nerve to ask him. Finally, I did.

  “Hey, how come you didn’t seem so shocked back there? When I…freaked out.” Aaric materialized when I finished, hovering next to me.

  Ridge’s eyes flashed, darkening and I got the vibe that he was remembering something. When he spoke, a rueful grin was on his face. “You know, that’s because it happened to me. When I broke out, I mean. Before you talk, let me finish. Guardians are a…superior species in some Garal’s eyes. We move faster, react better, we’re stronger, and in every sense, we are indeed better.

  “But, you want to know why we can do that? That’s because of a spell cast down by a Guardian that happened to carry wizard blood. An Energy Guardian. He was the second generation. Back then, Guardians were simply quick, they didn’t possess the abilities we carry now.” As he spoke, I felt like I was drawn back in time. It was weird, but kind of comforting. I guessed Ridge just had that kind of personality. “Anyway, in addition to having the energy that sorcerers have, the Guardian also had his Reality as a reserve. He pooled the main twelve together, with their Realities and Keepers in tow. Convincing them that it was for the greater good, he changed us. Our eyes glowed.” He kept using words like “us” or “our”. I wondered about what that meant.

  “Our hair became filled with static. And the power that flowed through us was incredible. But two Guardians were strengthened far beyond the others. Those two were the Sun and the Moon. They even got their own category. Lunarmancy and Solarmancy. Among those two, the Moon was the most chaotic. Not many know this, but the Moon has the most destructive abilities known to man. Anyway, this…gathering, also strengthened our GuardSkills, giving Guardians a variety to unlock. But, going back to the Lunarmancy topic, that strength that the first Moon Guardian Sorcerer had, only shows up a few times in the Moon Guardian line. It looks like it’s showing up in you. What I can’t figure out is why you can’t control it.”

  At this, Aaric spoke up. “I know why.” He said. “It’s because of what you are.”

  “Whoa bro, are you calling me out on my race?”

  “No. You act like such an Earthling. What I mean is, you have too many abilities. You’re a Moon Guardian. That’s a lot of power, but then you’re a Beast Shifter. More power. Then you’re a Hybrid, able to string together two beasts to create the perfect one. You’re beginning to push it. Now you’re affinity to Lunarmancy is threatening to blow you up. Sooner or later, Archer, you’re going to have to give up one of the things that you are. And it’ll hurt.”

  Then he faded away, leaving me and Ridge alone. Up ahead, the others were beginning to fall asleep, someone must’ve caved. “Hey,” I asked in a small voice. “Could you stay up and guard them with me.”

Archer Lumen: Earth's Version of Hell (Unfinshed)[Edited Up to Escape]Where stories live. Discover now