94 We are the Oni

Start from the beginning

The huntress ignored the looks of the others and stared the fur carrier into the ground. The Oni broke eye contact and looked away from the girls.

"Now we've made him angry.", mumbled Nisha sullenly.

"Oh ... he's actually pretty cool, but sometimes you have to show him his place."

The two girls sat down next to the pouting fire starter. The gray-haired looked uncertainly over to the furry Oni. "I ... I like your fur, Kenji-san. You look very wild and dangerous.", remarked Nisha to lighten up the mood.

Embarrassed, he stammered: "Th-thanks ..."

"You should see him when he's on fire. Totally scary.", explained the blue-haired gesticulating.

In front of them another Oni turned around. It was the Eye-Oni from the restaurant.

"Nice to see you again.", he greeted Yuna.

"See...", giggled the huntress, while the cat girl giggled too.

"I didn't see that coming.", chuckled the Eye-Oni. "Hello, Nisha-chan."

"Hey, Me-san."

"Okay, Me-san, you're really good with your puns.", lamented the fur carrier.

"Let's say I have an eye on it. You look a little upset, Kenji-kun. Did you get something in your eye?" The girls shook from laughter.

"I think I'll look for another seat." Kenji's fur bristled.

"But be careful, so that we can keep visual contact." The fire starter showed Me his middle finger and went off to look for another seat. "See you, Kenji-kun."

The girls were almost rolling from laughter. "That was really great, Me-san. You can tease Kenji so good.", laughed Yuna.

"I have an eye for the weaknesses of others. Or two. Or fifty."

Haruka's coughing was heard from loudspeakers. The talks fell silent and everyone turned their attention to the front. Leisurely, she let her eyes wander over the assembled Oni, as if she would take her time to look at each one briefly.

"Good evening, my fellow Oni. I am Haruka Narusegawa." A hand shot up. "Yes?"

"Isn't it forbidden to use our powers during the meeting?", growled a deep voice.

Affirming nodded the mayor. "Yes. If possible, why?"

"You're still transformed."

"Right. Sorry, I hadn't thought of it.", admitted the leader, and touched her left temple.

Haruka's skin began to melt. The clothes she wore slid to the ground, while her silhouette liquefied and deformed grotesquely. Her body stretched in length, while she grew another pair of legs to support her insect-like body. Her hands turned into sickles, which bowed inward. A black carapace with a red pattern plated her new body. She became a kind of mantis, wearing a Noh mask instead of a face. Her eyes still glowed red.

"She's a shapeshifter?", asked Yuna softly her seatmate.

Nodding confirmed the cat girl: "She's much more than that. I've heard that she possesses more than a dozen of different powers."

Surprised looked the blue-haired over. "I thought Oni have only one, or perhaps two powers."

"Her power is that she can absorb the powers of others.", explained Nisha.

Onihunter YunaWhere stories live. Discover now