41 Introduction round

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"That's disgusting, right?" asked Mizuki.

Yuna nodded and choked down the sip of beer.

"You are such girls," sneered Kaito and finished his can in one gulp.

"Yeah, dick. We are girls." Mizuki took Yuna's beer can and handed it over to her boyfriend.

The blue-haired received a can of fruit juice from the girl with the violet hair. "Thank you."

"To the alcohol. The cause and solution of all problems." Together, they clinked glasses and laughed at the toast.

"So... what's your deal?" was Yuna asked by Kaito.

"My... deal?"

"Yeah. What's your thing. What are you doing here?"

The high-school student looked to Wataru. He shrugged. "My uncle has quartered me here temporarily."

"He takes care of you... since...?"

"Yes. It's complicated."

"My heartfelt condolences," said Nobu.

The girl smiled at the eyeglass wearer. "Thank you, Nobu-san."

"Guys. Would you kindly hold back a little? Don't scare her," interjected Ayumi.

"You're the right one to say that," mumbled Wataru.

The redhead stuck out her tongue at him. "Introduce yourself to her." She pointed to Kaito. "You start."

"Yeah! Hell, I'm the best bassist of all time, baby! And this violet-haired jewel here is my love for life. For real." The blonde hugged Mizuki exaggerated vehemently and kissed her face.

"And he's absolutely not crazy," laughed Mizuki as she tried to push Kaito away from herself.

"How did you meet?" asked Yuna.

"At school. I was her Sempai in the Rock club."

The other girl relativized, "He was simply the only senior student in the club, so he had seized the leadership himself. At least until Wata-kun joined."

"This wily weasel pushed me from my rightful throne," wailed Kaito.

"You were simply incompetent when it came to leadership of the club and the administration of the funds." Wataru grinned.

"Before Wataru-kun joined, I and Sakura had to constantly defend ourselves against Kaito's pickup attempts. We almost never rehearsed. We already intended to leave the club when Wata-kun has appeared."

"I recruited him. We made music together outside of the club," corrected Kaito.

The singer shook his head smiling. "We played Guitar Hero together. That can hardly be called making music."

"Your word against mine, bro."

Mizuki continued the story. "We both got the hots for Wataru-kun. Even then he was kind of... wicked."

"Wicked?" Wataru looked incredulous.

"Don't act so hypocritically, you little heart breaker."

"You took my girls away from me, dude."

"That's hard to believe," said Nobu rolling his eyes.

"So we tried to make music with a bass and three guitars. Obviously it didn't work out. Finally, Sakura has deigned to play the drums because she knew them from her brother and had some experience." Mizuki pointed at Nobu.

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