61 A new beginning

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"No! I don't want that!", protested Yuna.

Irritated, Yoshiro blinked. "A few days ago, you've desired nothing more."

"That was dumb of me. I'm just a silly girl. I need you."

The monsters jaw dropped. "You need me?"

"I can't do this alone. I need your help."

"That surprises me now. I would have not expected you to change your mind that quickly."

Yuna wrestled with herself. She hated to show her weakness, but how else could she convince him? He was important to her. There was no way back. The two of them definitely hung in this matter together. Too much already had happened, as she could get out now. It was her responsibility to take revenge on Tirr.

"So much of this new life is still unknown to me. I want to learn from you how to live it. I need you as my teacher and my friend."

Yoshiro seemed to have no words. His lips trembled very slightly. Was he really ... touched? The blue-haired knew him as an emotional personality, who loved to hug and cuddle. Maybe this was his idea of being human.

"Just don't start to cry like an Emo.", Yuna teased him.

The Oni sniffed and turned his face away. "You're so stupid." He wiped the sleeve of his jacket over his eyes.

"Oh my God. Are you really crying?", asked Yuna.

"So what?"

"Well ... you're an Oni."

"And? I have feelings too."

The huntress felt a little bit uncomfortable. She didn't like emotional outbursts at all, and to experience this by an adult male, even a monstrous Oni, blew her scale of what she could tolerate by far.

However, her mentor calmed down as quickly as he had lost his composure.

"Okay. We'll continue. We just have to be more careful from here on. But first we'll have to deal with more important matters.", predicted the Oni.

"That would be?"

Yoshiro took a deep breath. "I have organized a few things, while I was gone."

"Don't be so mysterious. Spit it out."

He nodded. "First, I have cleaned your name."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I have laid tracks, suggesting that Daiki ran off for whatsoever reasons."

"How so?" Astonished, the blue-haired looked at her interlocutor.

"Credit card transactions in the north. I removed some valuables and souvenirs from his home in order to give the impression that he left in a hurry."

"What about the hospital?"

"Many of the witnesses were patients, who were under medication, or were affected in other ways. Their statements are virtually meaningless if there are now signs that Daiki is still alive. You fell out of the window and had the good fortune that you ended up unhurt."

"Wow." She imagined how it would have been, if this would have been the truth. "Thanks. I guess."

"Secondly, I am going to be the legal guardian for you and Yui."

Onihunter YunaWhere stories live. Discover now