57 Mythical creature lesson

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The healer was in train to sew up the wounds of the huntress.

"Tell me ... what are you?", asked Yuna.

"A fox. What else would I be?"

"No. Seriously. Are you an Oni?"

He shook his head. "No. I'm a fox."

"But not an ordinary one."

Kitsune laughed. "Maybe the others hide it better."

"Then ... why are you helping us?"

"It's my thing. I have to make a living of something. Yoshiro pays me well for it. And I owe it to an old friend."

"Are there others like you?"

"Of course."

He sewed Yuna's skin together.

"I'm not familiar with most mythical creatures.", admitted the girl.

"You Oni are mythical creatures yourself."

She pricked up her ears. "I'm not an Oni."

Kitsune looked her in the eye. "How can you not be an Oni?"

"I'm a human."

He frowned and looked at the girl attentively. "You do have Oni powers, right?"


"But you are not an Oni?"

She shook her head. "No."

"You were born as a human?"

"Yes." Yuna felt a little bit insecure, since Kitsune acted this strange.

"For real?"

"Yes. I'm not lying to you."

Thoughtfully, he studied the blue-haired. "Then ... you're a Han'yō?"

"No. I'm a human. I have destroyed an Oni and took over his power."

Kitsune laughed amused. "That doesn't happen."

"My father did the same thing. He was a hunter, too."

The man shrugged. "I've never heard of such a thing, and I've lived over a hundred years."

"Ask Yoshiro. Right. Have you seen him?" The girl kept staring at the healer.

"Not since the last time you two were here."

Yuna sighed. "He's been gone for days."

"Sorry. But this Oni thing keeps me interested."

"I don't know much. Yoshiro told me that the same thing happened to my father."

"Maybe it runs in your family."

"You think so?"

"I thought that you were an Oni, so far. It's the first time I hear of something like this."

Kitsune stitched the last stab wound, then he got up. He went outside the room. Yuna heard rushing water, then he came back to her with a filled bowl.

"Here." He handed it to her.

"Hm. Delicious." The huntress took it and put it to her lips.

"Actually, this is intended, so that you can wash yourself. You are quite dirty and bloody."

"Oh." She giggled. "Sorry."

Onihunter YunaWhere stories live. Discover now