32 -- Back Dumpsters and Six Football Players

Start from the beginning

Alex walked over to me and Braden ripping us apart. “What the hell was that?!”

Braden stepped in front of me. “Look it’s the last person Danni wants to see right now, douchebag! Now get away!” Braden said. I looked at him surprised. I didn’t expect him to defend me like that.

Alex snarled at him. “You get away from her before I take your head off!” He looked back at me. His anger turned into sadness. “Danni look she kissed me. I didn’t kiss her back. Please don’t be mad and please don’t use him to make me jealous.” I instantly regretted even thinking about kissing Braden. No matter how bad Alex pisses me off I shouldn’t have even go so far to think about that. Even if he did make out with another girl.

I sighed. I wanted to hug him and tell him I was sorry, but I couldn’t because we were at school and people would see. I suddenly questioned if this whole keeping our relationship secret was a good idea. It would be so much easier to tell everyone than sneaking around trying not to get caught. Soccer’s about to start and then it would be harder for both of us to see each other.

He would get tortured if everyone knew that I was dating him. All of the guys would make fun of him, and the girls too. Not to mention all of the glares and rude attention I would get from everyone too. Maybe we should keep it secret. But I wanted to kiss him at school, at the mall, at the movies, in public without worry.

I couldn’t stand this anymore. I was going to ask Alex what he wanted and I was going to ask him now. I grabbed Alex and ran from Braden. He eventually caught on and ran with me. Braden tried to follow us but got lost. We went out by the back dumpsters where nobody goes.

He wrapped his arms around me. “Danni I’m sorry. You know I love you. Ashley just kissed me. I didn’t kiss her back.”

I sighed. “Alex there is a way we could stop it—well a little of it. If we tell everyone.” He stared at me with an unchanging  face. I could tell he was thinking hard by the way he didn’t show any emotion. His eyes were distant and glassy as he stared somewhere behind me. He must be way deep in thought.

He sighed and looked at me. “What do you think we should do?”

I sighed. I was not going to make the choice. In the end he was going to be the determining factor and if he refused to choose than it’ll stay how it is. “That’s what I was going to ask you. There are good and bad things about both so I don’t want to choose. I want you to.”

He took his hand pressed my head against his chest. “I don’t want to choose. I don’t want to choose one and it would be terrible and make your life miserable.” I closed my eyes and listened to him breath. After the silence he knew I wouldn’t decide. “I do miss kissing you during the day. Maybe we could give it a try and then if it’s terrible we fake break up and go back to sneaking around.” I nodded respecting his choice.

He took a deep breath in and out knowing what would do and probably going over the consequences in his head. “Should we now?” I asked. He nodded. I knew he couldn’t wait any longer just like I couldn’t. “How?”

He shrugged. “Just walk around holding hands and kiss and stuff. They’ll get the idea.” I nodded unsurely. We walked in hand in hand. The whispers emerged when they saw us. I gulped. What if this wasn’t the right idea? He gave my hand a supportive squeeze telling me it was okay.

I held my head high as the whispers became more and more frequent. Garrett grabbed us. “What the hell are you doing?!” he whispered.

I looked over at Alex who gave me a nod telling me to tell Garrett. “We’re going to tell everyone.” Garrett stared at me asking if I was sure I wanted to do this. I looked down because I wasn’t.

He put his hand on my shoulder like the big brother he was to me. “Be careful.” I nodded. “I mean it Danni. Now that people know do not go around the halls by yourself.” I rolled my eyes. Just because they knew didn’t mean I was going to get jumped or anything. “Got it?” I nodded. More like overprotective brother, that is.

All day girls have come up to me to ask if it was true. I would tell them yes. They would either glare at me, make some rude comment, or giggle unbelievingly and walk away. After school I forgot my science book for our test. I walked back to my locker to get it.

I felt somebody push me against a locker. I scowled and looked over at the person. It was Reese and his group of friends. Reese was a major player and running back on the football team. “Danni, you’re going out with Alex. How charming. Maybe you could go out with me.”

He put his hands on the sides of me preventing me from escaping. I rolled my eyes. I didn’t not want to do this. “Go away Reese.”

He smirked and grabbed me pulling me towards him. “Where’s your little boyfriend now?” I was sick of this. I swung a fist at him. He jumped back and I ran. One of his stupid friends grabbed me before I could get out of reach. He threw me to Reese. Reese grabbed me and wrapped his arms around me tightly so I couldn’t move. “Come on, Danni. Just a little hook up.” He winked. God what was with all the rapists in our school? Is it secretly one of those schools where all the juvenile delinquents go? I was starting to think so.

I spat at him. He shook his head smirking. He had an evil glint in his eyes that could not possible be good. “Get. The. Hell. Away. From. Me!” I screamed.

He smirked. “You know you’re a feisty one. I always liked that about you.” He leaned in to kiss me. He stopped and breathed on my lips for a minute. The closeness was killing me, and not in the good way like it did with Alex. “Ready because after I kiss you there’s no going back to Alex.” I did not want to kiss this filthy bastard.

I had to get out of this somehow. I had to do something. I heard laughing at the end of the hall. I looked down and Garrett, Alex, Ryan, and Noah were walking down the hall cracking up at something. Relief flooded through me for a second, but I had no time to thank God. I needed to get away fast. “Guys, help!” I screamed.

They looked at me and opened their eyes wide with horror. They ran to us, but Reese’s stupid idiot friends blocked them. “Alex, look I have your little girlfriend,” he smirked and put his hand on my cheek. I scowled. There were six of his friends, and only four of mine. Luckily they were all the tallest and most muscular, but I still didn’t know if they could take six football players.

Alex punched one guy in the face and lunged for me. You could see the fury in his eyes.  One guy flung him back against the locker. He hit hard the locker hard and fell to the ground. “Alex!” I called in horror. The rest of the guys were too busy holding off the rest to help him. The guy jumped on him and punched him over and over in the face. Blood came from his nose and mouth.

I looked at him in horror. I had to do something. “Stop! Stop!” I yelled frantically, but he kept punching. I looked at Reese who was smirking at me. “Stop,” I begged him quietly. He shook his head. I had to stop this somehow. An idea popped into my head.

I kneed him in the nuts and ran. I punched the guy who was punching Alex as hard as I could which threw him back a little. Reese was on the ground groaning. I smirked for a second before grabbing all of my guys and running. They caught on and eventually started running with me. Reese and all of his guys were following us.

We all piled into a car and I started driving. All of the guys waiting in Garrett’s car looked at us confused. I rolled my window down. “Drive!” I yelled. Ashton hopped into the front seat and took off.

Reese glared at me furious before I pulled out of the parking lot and went home. When I got in we all collapsed on the couches with exhaustion.


And what did you guys think? Yeah I didn't like this chapter this much either. Stupid Reese. But at least Danni and Alex finally agreed to let everyone know. Well that's more drama, but still at least they can be together.

Well I just want to thank all my fans again. You guys are totally awesome! Please comment, vote, fan, all that stuff. Thanks a ton! You guys rock! I think I'm done. Lol. So...



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