Chapter 48: Act Two

Start from the beginning

"Then with the help of dear old Emma..." she said as she pointed the camera at me. "Nadia was destroyed for good. Poor, little innocent Emma killed her, coldblooded." She said with a smirk looking into my eyes. 

"It was self-defense! She tried to kill me!" I yelled at her. She laughed a crazy person laugh once again as I bit down on my lip. I wished she would stop. I didn't want to remember that night, at the moment I didn't want to remember anything. 

"Self-defense maybe, but only because she attacked you first. Deep down you wanted her dead, and you saw that as your perfect opportunity to finish her." she lured. She wanted me to believe the words she said, and I was starting to. Where was Mason? Why hasn't he came back looking for me? What if Rachael already got a hold of him? I shook my head, I will not think of that. "No response? Well that's because you know I'm right." she boasted. I kept silent, I didn't know what else to say. 

"Anyway, back to the story. Once I was on top I decided what I wanted, more like who, I wanted. None other than Mason Lawrence King." she said slowly. Wait a minute, no one knew what information about Mason or I. I just found out not too long ago. 

Wait, she was listening. A chill went down my spine once again as I stared at her. 

"But of course, Mason was madly in love with Emma. So something had to be done. With luck on my side, Emma left Mason for two months, without even a goodbye! I couldn't wish for a better chance to pounce. I went to Mason when he was at his weakest and he fell for my trap. Then for those two months I put him more under my spell as the days passed. But then, Emma returned...and he took her back! That's right folks! Mason took back the whore that shattered his heart into a million pieces! For what reason, I don't know." she pointed the camera at me. "Emma, would you be ever so kind to inform the watchers to why you came back and why he took you back?" she asked in an innocent voice. 

I was quiet for a little bit, deciding what I should say. But the thing was, I was scared out of my mind. My father was probably dead by now, and I already knew that she was going to kill me. It was better if I told the truth. "I returned because I found out I was pregnant. I asked him if he wanted to be in our child's life and he said yes. And you wanna know why? Because he has a good heart and he could care less about your slut ass!" I yelled as I kicked her in the face. This was my chance to escape, I struggled to get up because I was shaking so much, but I managed to eventually and started to run. I headed for the house phone without looking back. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to act two. Where Emma Lee Black, dies, a tragic death along with her poor, dead, Father." was all I heard before I was tackled to the floor right next to the table that had the house phone on it. I was so close, but not close enough. She grabbed my hair and started to shove my head into the ground until she hit my head pretty good. I stopped moving because I had a killer headache and I was starting to feel dizzy. She grabbed my ankles and started to drag me back to where we were, I tried to reach for the phone but had no luck. I couldn't do much as she dragged me and sat me up against the cabinet. She picked up the camera and pointed it back at me. 

"This whore, is pregnant. Well, at least not for long." she said as my eyes widened. 

She was going to kill my baby.

I wanted to scream, to run, anything, but I couldn't move. I was dizzy and just couldn't seem to move any part of my body. All I could do was watch her as she picked up the knife and placed the camera where it would capture it all. I closed my eyes and accepted the fact that this was it. This is where I was going to die. I waited to feel the knife in my stomach but instead, I felt another body on me and a grunt. I opened my eyes to see that Mason, had jumped in front of me, and just got stabbed. 

I screamed. 

"MASON! NO!" I repeated myself over and over again, but I still couldn't move. Rachael just stood there and took the knife out. 

"Well, if you're willing to get yourself killed over this whore, then I'll kill both of you." she said as she stabbed him two more times. With each stab I screamed louder. She got annoyed and pushed Mason away from me, and then kicked him farther away from me. She looked me dead in the eyes and smiled. "I hope you suffer longer than your baby does." she said as she rammed the knife into my stomach. I screamed in pain as Rachael laughed. I closed my eyes and then heard a loud noise. 

A gunshot. 

I opened my eyes to see Rachael in pain looking towards the sliding doors. I looked the same way to see a girl with brown hair, in a white gown with a gun. She shot Rachael in the arm, whoever she was, she just shot Rachael. I smiled to myself as fell over to my side as I clutched my stomach. 

This was the end of act two, and I was going to accept death with open arms. 

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