Chapter 1: Broken

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I can still hear their screams. The moment I knew that things would never be the same, the moment our family became broken. It was the first time I ever heard them fought, and it wouldn't be the last. The fighting lasted about two years before they decided to get a divorce and officially, tear our family apart. 

Of course, they never cared about what I wanted, or how I felt about all of it. They were just doing whatever they wanted to. 

"Emma, are you done packing yet?" my mom yelled from down stairs. I was just putting the last of my clothes into my second suitcase. I decided to keep most of my stuff here, with my dad just in case I wanted to come back. 

"Almost!" I yelled back. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I turned around to see my mom with breakfast in her hands. I was rudely awoken early to finish the packing that I never even started. My parents knew that I wasn't happy with this, but they didn't change their minds. 

"You haven't eaten your breakfast." she says as she sets the plate down next to me. 

"Well I'm kinda busy." I said not looking at her. I heard her sigh and then walk closer to me. 

"That's not my fault. You're the one who decided not to pack till the day we leave." she says now annoyed with me. 

"Well I'm not the one who wants to go, but you don't care so why do I even bother." I said walking away from her. I headed down stairs and ignored my mom calling my name. I reached the Kitchen to see my over busy dad on the phone instead of eating his breakfast. 

"Well I don't care how much money this person wants. He knew the risks when he decided to sponsor my company. Now make sure to remind him about our contract and I will schedule a meeting if I have to." He said into the phone. He looked over at me, and gave me a slight smile. "I have to go, I'll continue this once I get to the office." He says as he hangs up. 

"Hey dad." I say. He gave me a full smile this time, and I couldn't help but smile back. 

"Hey Emms, I'm sorry, I had a phone call. How are you doing?" he asked me as we sat down on the couch. I gave him a slight frown. 

"How do you think? You and mom got a divorce, I'm going to be living with mom, and on top of that I have to leave all my friends behind. I still don't see why I can't just stay with you." I asked. 

"I'm sorry about all that sweetie. You know I would love to have you stay with me but with the company becoming bigger and bigger, I don't have much time on my hands at all. You wouldn't see me at all really. It would be like your living in this big house all by yourself." he said. 

"Yeah, it might feel like that, but I'm okay with that. I don't want to leave this house, or this state, or my friends. I have one more year left of high school, I don't want to be the new girl somewhere else. Please, let me stay." I asked with my puppy eyes. 

"Emms, I know what you're trying to do. Your mother and I have made the decision that you should live with her instead of me. Besides, getting new scenery might help you with our divorce. Plus, you might make new friends." he says trying to convince me. 

My mom walked in and I automatically stopped talking and just walked back to my room and finished packing. A few minutes later our driver showed up to take us to the airport, where we would be heading to hot, dry, Arizona. 

By the time we landed in this oven for a state, I already knew I wasn't going to like it here. First of all our new house was only one story, and wasn't that big. Dad's beach house was a lot bigger and more of a home than this house. And the heat would be then end of me. 

Once I brought my two suitcases in and started to unpack, I realized that my car and bike wasn't here yet. Fear hit me like a train. What if dad forgot to send it? What if mom told him not to? What if it's lost in another state? I ran down the stairs like a bullet. I reached the door the same time someone was going to knock on it. It was a worker from U-haul company because he had the uniform and there was two U-haul trucks parked in front of the house. "I have a delivery for a Emma Black?" the guys asked. 

"That's me." I say trying to contain my relief. I signed the paper and he walked me to the truck to reveal my car and bike.  I first went to check on my beautiful bike, and it looked just like it did before it went into the truck. I rolled it down the ramp and off the truck, and put the kick stand down. Then I went to see my car. 

I hopped in the driver's seat and turned it on with my keys. Hearing the rev of the engine seemed to calm me down a little. I slowly drove it down the ramp and parked it into the garage. I turned off the car and saw the U-haul drivers leave. Mom was still bringing in the rest of the stuff along with the workers, while I went over to my precious bike. 

"Nice bike." came a voice in front of me. I looked up to see a guy in a T-shirt and skinny jeans. His dirty blonde hair was in his face a little, until he ran his fingers through his hair and moved it away. I took a small intake of air when I saw his ice blue eyes staring right at me. There were tons of hot guys in Cali, but non of them compared to this specimen. 

"Um...thanks." I replied, not knowing what to do. He must have noticed that I was uncomfortable because he continued the conversation. 

"Are you moving in?" he asked. 

"Yeah, do you live around here?" 

"Yeah, I live down the street, by chance is your name Emma?" he asked now looking just as uncomfortable as me. 

"Uh...yea, how did you know that?" I asked now confused and a little spooked. Right after that he looked behind me and so did I. to see my mom coming towards us. 

"Emma, I see you already met Mason." she said as she walked up next to us. Mason, his name was Mason, it fit him. 

"Actually, I just-"

"It's okay miss Rose, I was just about to introduce myself to your daughter. Also to tell you that my mom wanted to have dinner either tonight or whenever you've gotten yourselves settled." Mason said with a grin on his face. 

"Oh that would be wonderful! Um...let us move in today and we'll have dinner with you  tomorrow. How does that sound?" she asked in a polite way. He smiled back at her.

"That would be great. See you tomorrow night then." he said as she walked away to put some boxes into the house. I expected him to leave after that, but he waited until she was out of ear shot to talk. 

"So, nice to meet you Emma, I'm Mason" he said as he held out his hand. I took his hand and his hands were so soft, it felt like he just put hand lotion. "You're wondering if I just put lotion on, aren't you?" he asked with a huge grin on his face. I let go of his hand and stepped back. 

"No...why would you think that?" I said trying to create some distance between us. He chuckled a little and crossed his arms. 

"Well you were staring at our hands, so I just assumed." he said.

"Well don't assume things okay? You don't know me, for all you know I could be thinking about how huge your hands are." I replied. I expected him to get mad at me but all he did was laugh. Then he ruffled my hair, and looked me in the eyes. 

"You're so cute when you try to be sassy. I'll see you tomorrow night, Emma." he said as he started walking down the street, to his house. The way he said my name made my stomach do a flip. 

"Who said I was going?!" I yelled at him with a smile on my face. He turned around for a second and smiled. 

"I did." was all he said before running home. And left me alone on my driveway next to my bike. 

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