When I reached Dylan, he had a customer. I waited until he was done to ask him about the new girl. "Your dad sent me to talk about a new girl?" I asked him. His face lit up and he grabbed my arm pullng me over near the employee bathroom.

"You're training that girl from the mall you like-Jetta!" Dylan jumped and nearly ripped my arm off. "No way, why's she working here?" I asked, shocked.

"Your buddy Luke called me up saying a friend of his needed a job. I said I had an opening-lo and behold-your friend Jetta's working along by your side. Pretty neat right? I grinned and pat him on the shoulder-"You did good, thanks mate."

The restroom door glided open and Jetta walked out in her work uniform. "I'll leave you two alone, meet me at the register." Dylan hit me in the back of the head and left me to Jetta. I hid behind the corner and waited for her to appear. As she inched closer, I emerged from my hiding spot, scaring her. She screamed and dropped her phone on the hard linoleum. "ASHTON!" Jetta bent down and picked up the phone, which had a small crack down the left side of it. She stood back up and hit me in the chest, "you dick! You cracked my screen!"

"Jetta, you've had that phone for like a year-there was bound to be a crack sooner or later." She glared at me and stuck her phone in her back pocket. "Let's get started."


 "So that's all I have to do? Press a colorful button?" Jetta asked looking weirdly at the cash register. I shook my head yes just as a customer walked through the door. "Your turn Jet, you can do it," I stood along the wall behind her and waited.

"Hello, welcome to KFC. May I take your order?" Jetta spoke fluently.

"Er, yeah can I have a number three with honey barbeque dipping sauce and a small Pepsi?" the man started to get out his cash. Jetta wasted no time punching in his order and ringing it up within thirty seconds.

"Thanks have a nice day!" she called to him. He replied with a 'you too sweetheart!'

Four more hours of torture continued until work was over at 3:30 PM. Jetta decided to walk out with me to wait for her ride from Michael. We stood at the corner barely talking for ten minutes until Jetta went to text Michael. "You can go home, you know. I'll be okay here by myself . There's more people inside anyway." Jetta said pointing at the KFC enterance. I shook my head and told her I would wait. I sat down on the curb and pat the ground for Jetta to sit beside me. She shrugged and took a seat.

"So, how was work?" I joked. She slapped my arm and smiled-"Ash, you're making us sound like an old married couple,"  I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Okay then, different question-when's Michael driving his ass over here?" A laugh escaped Jetta's lips following with a snort. She immediately threw her hands up to her mouth-eyes wide. I let out a huge smile and cracked up laughing over her little snort. Jetta frowned and punched me in the stomach.

I waited with Jetta for about another twenty minutes. She never got a text back from Michael. "Jet, do you want me to run you home? It's no problem. I only have band practice tonight and that starts at 5:30. Please? I'll run you home, it's really no problem-seriously." Jetta let out a groan and caved in. I knew Michael would forget to pick her up. He was probably taking a nap or playing COD.

I walked Jetta over to my car and opened the door for her. She thanked me and slipped into the front seat. I snagged my keys out of my back pocket and opened my side door. I got in and stuck the key in the ignition. I stopped and stared at Jetta for a while until she lokked over at me.

"What?" She snapped.

"Nothing," I smiled and got back to driving.

"Can I turn on the radio?" Jetta asked me. I told her it was fine, considering complete silence was boring and plain creepy. She fiddled with the dial, changing the station everytime she heard a commercial. She stopped on a song that I knew on a punk-rockish station.

"You like All Time Low?" I asked her. Jetta shook her head yes and turned the song up.

"Well, yeah. I've hung out with you so I guess I've heard of them before-your favorite song right?" I looked over to see her eyes twinkling. I chuckled and agreed. The chourus came on and Jetta belted out all the notes-mostly on key. I joined in and sang til' our hearts content.

'Oh, how I miss these days'


Extra long chapter for you guys!! :D

Sorry it's been so long. I'm writing during my study hall at school and when I have the free time which is usually never.... :(





all that crap:)

Did you guys go trick or treating? I wish I would have now I have to steal my brother's candy

OMG Fall Out Boy is on Pandora <3


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