Chapter 6: R Us and .Org

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Owen's P.O.V

I get home with a sleeping Riley on my back silently snoring. I swear she is literally the only human who would fall a sleep while riding a werewolf.

Wow that sounded wrong pretend I didn't say that.

I walk in the house where Riley's mom is watching a cooking show and she sees me.

" I was wondering when you were going to be home and I see Riley found you, she was really worried. "

My heart swells knowing she was really worried......oh my god......I sound like a chick!

I nod at her not being able to say anything since I'm in wolf form and then I go into Riley's room shutting her door and gently shaking her off my back so she slides onto the floor. Then I change back into human form and pick her up laying her on her bed and covering her up with her covers.

I stare at her for a few minutes sighing. She's so damn beautiful I just want to put a paper bag over her head every time she leaves the house so guys don't look at her.

Okay that sounded creepy.

I go to walk away but I feel her grab my arm.

" Nooooo stay. "

She whines snuggling up to my arm.

" We're you pretending to be a sleep so I would carry you? "

I ask amused.

" Maybe....ok yes but I can't help it your fur makes me tired and lazy it's sooooo soft. "

Her voice is muffled since my arm is snuggled to her face and I can't help but chuckle at her cuteness.

" Ok I will stay just let me go put on some boxers first. "

" Ok. "

She lets go of my arm and I quickly dash a cross the hall to my room trying not to flash Riley's mom.

Me and Riley do change in front of each other and even take showers and baths together but we actually don't sleep naked together. I don't because she moves in her sleep a lot and if I'm naked and she moves against Owen Jr..... let's just say lust is a powerful force to be reckoned with.

By the way for you dudes wondering how I can take showers and baths with her without becoming a horn dog it's something called self control and respect you should really stop shopping at Dick Face R Us and start shopping at Be A Man. Org.

I put my boxers on and then I go back into Riley's room and climb into the bed. She immediately rolls over and throws her leg over me and cuddles close to me. Minutes later she's fast a sleep.

I love this because it's a perfect moment.

I hate this because she thinks it's a friendly moment.

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