Chapter 13: Truth Hurts

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Riley's P.O.V

" The ice cream is done! "

I fix Owen a bowl and me a bowl and sit it on the table. Owen stays silent as he eats his ice cream.

" Are you okay? You seem sad. "

I say to him.

" I- I need to talk to you about something. "

" Okay? "

He sighs.

" I need to tell you about mates. "

Why does he look so sad when saying this? I thought wolves looked forward to finding their mate?

" When you find your mate your world revolves around them and them only and you never want to be apart from them. Also mates get jealous easily. "

It takes me a while to understand what he's saying.

" You mean when you find your mate we won't be friends anymore? "

" We can be friends just not as close of friends I don't think my mate would like me taking baths with another female. "

" But we're best friends we've always been best friends you can't just get rid of me because of some wolf thing! "

I yell and tears start to flow down my cheeks.

" I'm sorry Riley you just don't understand. "

" What happened to never leaving me? You made a promise and I actually thought you would keep it, I guess the jokes on me again. "

I run off into my bedroom and lock the door crying. I know he wants to find his mate and I want to be happy for him but how can I possibly be happy when I know that finding his mate means losing our friendship? He's always been there for me and without him I don't know what to do.

I help him and he helps me it's just how we work how can a twelve year friendship end after one day?

" Come on Riley open up. "

I hear Owen plead on the other side of the door.

" Go away if you're leaving just go already! "

" We still have a week left are you really going to ignore me until then? "

He's got a point but I'm not going to tell him that. I hear him sigh and go to his room and I'm about to think that he's given up but that's when I hear him sit down on the floor in front of my door and start strumming his guitar. He took up guitar lessons to get girls but he actually found interest in it after a while and became a pro.

" Go away and take your guitar with you! "

He continues strumming. Does he think annoying me will make me come out?

" We've been deep in the trenches but ain't that friendship? It's not always roses but everybody knows this. We stuck in this battle field, I know just how you feel. Standing up for us I'mma be a soldier. "

I can't help but listen to Owen's voice as he sings. He's a great singer and he sings this song slower but way better then the original singer.

" You give me hope, you give me strength I'd give you better than I could ever give myself. Always know that I've got your back, don't matter where ever as long as we're together we've been through so much. "

After that I put my head phones in and block him out. He's leaving and even though I always knew he would I couldn't help but hope other wise.

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