Chapter 21: CVS

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Riley's P.O.V

The next day I'm woken up by the sound of Owen throwing up. I jump up out of bed and rush into the bathroom to see him hugging a toilet.

" I don't wanna get you sick so just go back to bed. "

He tells me trying not to puke while he talks.

" You're a fucking idiot if you think I'm doing that. "

I tell him and feel his forehead.

" You're burning up you probably have a fever. "

I tell him. We spend a few more minutes in the bathroom and finally he makes it to the bed while hugging a trash can in his arms just in case.

" I'm going to go call a taxi and go into town to get some medicine okay? "

I tell him putting a cold wash cloth on his forehead to cool him off.

" I'm going with you I don't want you to go alone. "

He says trying to get up but I gently push him back down.

" No you're laying here and resting I will be perfectly fine. "

He looks skeptical but finally gives in and let's me go. Most likely just because he's to tired to argue.


I get a cab and finally get to town but due to the traffic it takes longer then I thought. I end up in CVS with a basket full of medicine and a few cans of chicken noodle soup. Now I'm standing outside trying to catch a taxi back but the taxi service seems extremely busy today.

" Come on pick up! "

I hiss at the phone while I'm calling yet another taxi service who doesn't pick up. I sigh and decide to just walk until I find a taxi I can flag down. Everything seems to be going sort of okay until I get pulled into a alley.

" What the fuc-"

I'm cut off by a hand over my mouth and I stare in confusion at the stranger in front of me.

" Here's what's going to happen beautiful you're going to stay still and quiet and I'm going to enjoy myself or this knife right here will enjoy being stabbed into you got it? "

He says waving a knife in my face. There is no way I'm going to just stand here knife or no knife. I go to knee him in between the legs but he quickly dodges me and puts the knife against my neck pinning me to the building.

" Nice try but everyone uses that move. "

He snickers but I'm more focused on the knife on my neck then his laugh at the moment.

He pushes himself against me and starts moving against me.

Think about the knife not what he's doing, think about an escape plan not where his hands are.

His free hand grips my waist roughly making me cringe.

Do something!

The knife loosens in his hand and I stomp as hard as I can on his foot making him hiss. I almost get away but then he grabs me roughly by my arm slinging me back into the brick building.

" You bitch! "

He yells and then his fist collides with my face.

" Well that's no way to treat a lady. "

I hear a familiar voice say.

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