Chapter 11: Why Owen Left

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Owen's P.O.V

You want to know why I left?

Here's why.

My dad had never paid much attention to me after all he was the alpha of a pack, so when I became friends with Riley he had no idea about it. Years pasted us by and he still didn't notice her and honestly I didn't care if he did.

Then my 15th birthday came and my mom planned a party for me so of course I invited Riley not thinking twice. The party went pretty smoothly, just like any other party but then my dad showed up and when he realized Riley was a human....well he wasn't happy to say the least.


" Open mine now! "

Riley squeals shoving a box in my hand and jumping up and down excitedly.

" You ate the chocolate cake didn't you? "

I ask laughing.

" Yeah I love chocolate! Why? "

" Because you are always like this when you eat chocolate. "

" Just open it! "

I tear the wrapping paper off and open the box to find a scrapbook with our names on it.

" I know it's not much but I don't have a job yet so I didn't really have the money to get you anything cool. "

She says shyly as I flip threw the scrapbook laughing at most of our pictures. I don't think we ever do serious pictures.

" Are you kidding I love it! "

I say and hug her.

I know I sound like a total chick but honestly it takes little effort to go to a store and buy something but it takes a lot of effort to make something yourself.

" Which ones next? "

Mom ask me smiling at us. Mom has always been the opposite of dad she loves every creature from wolves to vampires to humans. She's actually fascinated by other creatures besides wolves since she is one.

" Mind explaining what a human is doing in my house?  "

I look in the doorway to see my dad standing their with a scowl on his face.

" She's my friend. "

I tell him.

" It's ok to be friends with her kind but bringing them any where near the pack house is forbidden and I've heard she knows of our kind. "

" She does but she's not like most you can trust her dad. "

" Has history class taught you nothing? Humans have hunted us for years and you just brought the enemy here! "

" She's not the enemy! Her ancestors were and she isn't them! "

" Boys calm down let's discuss this calmly. "

My mom says.

" To hell with calm she knows to much. "

" What are you saying? "

I ask my dad.

" I'm sorry son but you did this to yourself. "

He shifts into wolf form and pushes me out of the way so he's face to face with Riley who is wide eyed and clearly doesn't know what to do.

" No! "

I scream at him and jump on top of him using all my strength to try to pin him down but it's no use he's in wolf form which makes him stronger. My mom shifts into wolf form and stands in front of Riley protecting her and I watch my dad as I can tell their mind linking.

I'm shocked when dad knocks mom out of the way to get to Riley.

He not only is trying to kill my best friend but now he hurt me mom? Fuck no!

My anger boils over and all I can see is red, I feel a agonizing pain as I feel my bones breaking and snapping. What is happening? The next thing I know I look down and I see paws!

I'm not suppose to shift for another year!

My dad is just about to take a bite out of Riley's neck but I tackle him to the floor snapping at him and biting him just enough to make it hurt. I'm mad but I would never kill my dad.

' Why are you protecting this human? I taught you better then that!  '

My dad mind links me.

' She's not just any human she's the human I happen to be in love with! '

I don't know why I said that, at least I'm in wolf form so Riley can't hear me.

' Are you kidding me? Have you lost your mind? '

' She's been there for me more then anyone and especially more then you have so you know what? You think I'm not fit to be an Alpha and want me gone fine! I'm leaving and I'm leaving with her but if you EVER try to hurt her again you will regret it! You may be my dad but she's the one who's always been there for me when no one else was. '

I get off of him and look to see Riley passed out.

" She must have been in shock I'm sure she will be fine. "

My mom tells me and I nod. Not knowing what to do I lay down next to Riley in wolf form and make sure no one hurts her.

' The day will come when you find your mate and female mates aren't fond of having their mate hang around other females, I recommend getting rid of this relationship before you turn eighteen if not you will hurt the human more then I can. '

My dad says this then walks off. I look at Riley as it sinks in, after I find my mate we won't be able to hang out anymore I never really thought about that.

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