Chapter 9: Blessing

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Owen's P.O.V

I stare at Riley as she continues to pour water over my head to get all the shampoo out and she doesn't even notice I'm looking at her. For those guys who are thinking ' she's a teenager naked in front of you I would look too! ' my answer is shut the hell up and put your dick away!

I'm not looking at her like that! I mean yeah she's definitely smoking hot but I already knew that! I'm not looking at her because of lust though I'm looking at her because I admire her. No matter what she always is here for me I mean just yesterday she wondered onto the deadliest pack in America trying to find me!

Speaking of which.

" We never did talk about what happened yesterday. "

" What's there to talk about? "

She ask me not making eye contact.

" Maybe how you wondered onto the deadliest pact known to Americas territory or how you and Dick face are back together? "

" I was looking for you and got lost and were not back together. "

" Even if you couldn't find me you should have just stayed put you could have gotten yourself killed if I wasn't there! "

" I was worried Owen am I not allowed to worry? "

She spat at me

" You're allowed to worry but you're not allowed to put yourself in danger because of it! Next time just stay put with Brooke's! "

Her mouth opens to make a comeback until Brooke's name is mentioned.

" Me and Brooke's aren't together. "

She tells me lowering her voice.

" But I saw you at the party together? "

" Yeah apparently he just wanted a one night stand. "

She says tearing up. I can feel my anger dissolve and I wrap my arm around her waist.

" I'm sorry Riley.....but maybe this is for the best that guy isn't what you deserve. "

She sighs and doesn't say anything. She finishes washing her hair and then gets out drying herself off and wrapping a towel around herself.

" I think I just settle for Brooke's because I feel like I can't do better then him and I don't want to end up alone. "

She tells me sitting on the floor next to the tub.

" That's insane Riley you can do so much better then Brooke's. "

" My mom waited for years for the right guy and she still hasn't found him.... I don't want to just sit around waiting for a Prince Charming who's never going to show up. "

She says and walks out.

I want to run after her and yell at her telling her that the right guy has been here all along but I know I won't.

Riley once had her dad in her life but not for long and the amount of time he was with her was anything but beautiful. He was a drunk and a angry drunk at that, Riley's mom wanted her father to be in her life but every day he got worse so one day she had enough and kicked him out.

They were never really in love it was a one night stand that ended up with a baby girl some would call it a mistake but I call it a blessing because that baby girl born from a one night stand was Riley and she's my blessing.

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