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last chapter of this book! sequel will be posted immediately after this and it is called "Doubt".💕

Daniel's POV

My body freezes and I feel my heart stop as I see the familiar boy. His eyes are bloodshot and are accompanied by massive bags below. As I inspect his face, I notice the hollowness of his cheeks and the cracking of his lips. Even in this state, he still manages to look absolutely breathtaking.

"Hey," Joey speaks first, breaking the silence.

"H-hi," I stutter back, looking at him, "d-do you want to come in?"

He nods cautiously and I open my door slowly to grant him entrance. His eyes wander around the room slowly until they finally land on me.

"Daniel," Joey breathes out, walking closer to me. My first instinct was to back away, causing me to run into the wall behind. A look of pain flashes across his shattered face but it's immediately replaced with a look of guilt.

"What do you want?" I ask calmly, crossing my arms over my chest.

Joey looks at me and I swear I feel as if my whole world has just been placed in front of me, only to tumble down and crash into a million pieces. That's just it. Joey's my world.

"Daniel, all of this is my fault. I'm so–"

"Stop, Joey. Just stop." I state, exasperation clear in my voice.

"No, Daniel. I'm not going to fucking stop until you listen to me! You haven't even let me fucking talk ever since shit went down. You can't just continue blocking me out without giving me a fucking chance!" Joey exclaims, his face reddening and the veins on his neck becoming prominent.

"Okay, talk." I whisper, swallowing before looking up at him."

"Daniel, I take full responsibility for everything because it never would've happened without me in your life, but I didn't do shit to make you feel this way. It was all a fucking plan. The plan was for Preston to make you think we did something, when in reality I've only been wanting you. They wanted to you storm off to that fucking frat house so their plan could all piece together. For fucks sake, Daniel. How could you ever think I would ever stoop so low? Is that how you fucking think of me? Just a piece of scum scraped off of someone's shoe?" Joey snaps and I feel like his eyes could pop out of their sockets at any moment.

I shake my head in disbelief. Is that truly what happened? Should I even believe a word he says? Yes, Daniel, you love him and he loves you, my subconscious reminds me and I look directly into the boy's eyes. Tears have began to well in them as his fists are clenched at his sides. I know this look. He can't be lying.

"Look, Joey, I believe you. I promise I believe you. But you're not seeing anything from my perspective. I love you, Joey. Gosh I love you so much. That is why it hurts for me to say this." I begin, staring at the ground, "Ever since you came into my life, everything has flipped upside down. I'm not the same person I used to be. You've changed me, in some positive ways, but also some negative. You're too busy learning to swim that you haven't noticed I'm drowning, and you're the one pushing me under."

Joey looks at me, his face pale and the tears now rolling down his colourless cheeks.

"I'm sorry Daniel. Please give me another chance. I will treat you so much better than before, I promise." Joey begs, crashing down to the floor onto his knees. He bows his head and I hear loud sobs escaping his mouth.

I sigh, running my fingers through my hair and then along the small amount of scruff that has grown. That's when an idea pops into my head.

"One day. I give you one whole day to prove to me you're worthy." I state confidently, watching as Joey scurries to his feet and looks at me.

"Really?" he asks, his eyes hopeful. I nod and Joey runs into me, wrapping his arms around my torso. I tense, but close my eyes to try and trap this feeling as a positive one. A small smile forms on my face as happy memories come back before he lets go.

"You won't be disappointed, Daniel. I promise." Joey says before leaving my apartment.

I sigh, walking into the living room and taking a seat on the couch. I wonder what he'll have planned.


*24 hours later*

"Wait! Daniel, please!" Joey cries after me as I storm through the dark alleyway.

My legs don't stop. I continue to run into the dark, unfamiliar area. My breathing is heavy and my heart pounding. Cold sweat pours down my pale face and I feel my whole world crashing down once again. I hear Joey's broken cries as he calls after me, but I ignore him. He isn't worth it.

"Daniel please stop!" Joey screams breathlessly as I take a sudden turn into an even darker alley.

Joey's calls are completely blocked out as hot tears begin to stream down my face. My back crashes against the brick wall and I slide down, bringing my knees to my chest and allowing small weeps to sound from my lips. My heart aches and I feel as if everything around me is crumbling down. The feeling is all too familiar to me.

Drunken words are sober thoughts.

(a/n: ohhhhhhejwnwnejdkowownewkjdks. this will make a lot more sense in the sequel that i am posting immediately after this is up!)

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