1 Year

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may 26th, 2015
that's the day i created this account. never in a million years did i imagine id be at this point EVER, let alone in one fucking year. this year has flew by on me and i would really like to thank you all because none of this would've happened without you.

ive made some really amazing friends and met some fucking awesome people and i never would've if i didn't make this account. this place almost feels like home and everyone (mostly) is so kind and accepting and it's just a really amazing place.

as it is the one year anniversary, I've got some things planned.

-an update on this story (it was originally three, but I procrastinated and i got lazy xD)

-three updates on 30 Days

-i will be republishing Yours and Mine as lots of you want it back.

-Baby Boy is making a return so there'll be one chapter posted of that! (it'll be a short story with only 20 chapters)

-a new story is going to be posted and i will start it once one of my current ones is completed!

thanks to everyone who has ever read my stories, commented, voted, or communicated with me in any way. i love you all dearly and i wish you all happiness and hugs💕

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