nine (real)

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Daniel's POV

He stops dead in his tracks, turning around to face me. A pained expression covers his face, tears welling in his eyes.

"Why did you do it?" he asks, a tear cascading down his cheek. I look at him in confusion, raising an eyebrow.

"Why did you save me?" he clarifies, his voice breaking. I sigh, running my fingers through my hair.

"Joey, I'm not going to let you kill yourself. That would be cruel!" I exclaim, shaking my head.

And I love you, I think, but I don't say it out loud. He nods, a sarcastic expression overtaking his face.

"Whatever. You might as well just leave me and go back to your perfect life without me." he snaps, crossing his arms over his chest and beginning to walk away.

Anger boils inside of me, my face turning red. My fists clench at my sides, my knuckles turning white. Perfect?

"Do you not realize this has hurt me just as much, if not more, that it's hurting you? You're the one who screwed up! You're the one to blame here. Don't go saying its my fault and saying my life is perfect because you know what? It isn't. It's far from it." I snap, causing him to stop and look at me.

"You know when you touched me and I jerked away? Yeah, that was because I can't stand the feeling of human touch after Christian raped me! He fricking came to my place and raped me! The same night I found out about your stupid bet!" I scream, breathing heavily after my outburst.

His face reddens, fists clenching.

"He fucking did, what? I will fucking kill him!" he screams, pacing around in the rain. I pinch the bridge of my nose, shaking my head.

He walks up to me, anger and determination clear on his face.

"Nobody hurts my baby and gets away with it."

(a/n: it's almost 3:30am and I'm awake because I can't sleep...
I never can.)

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