forty two

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Joey's POV

My eyes take a moment to adjust as I see Preston beside me. This whole situation is so fucked up. It's almost like my life is all fiction. Maybe this is all a story written by some antisocial teenage girl with no life. (*cough*)

"Joey, you know I love you. I never stopped. I couldn't let you harm yourself." Preston says softly and stares at me sympathetically.

"Then why the fuck have you ruined my entire relationship? Daniel is never going to be with me again, you fucktard. Was this your plan all along? To hurt the boy you're in love with? If you're doing this because you think you'll have a chance with me, you're out of your fucking mind. Just fucking leave." I snap, the blood rushing right to my face.

As I look at Preston, I see tears brimming his eyes. His fists begin to clench at his sides as I look at him with pure anger blurring my vision.

"I'm sorry, Joey. I really am. I'm not sure what has come over me, but I'm trying to overcome it. I've ruined and and am continuing to ruin lives as the days go by. Joey, I love you, and I know Daniel does too. He is good for you and he brings out a better you. I want what's good for you, Joey. I'm such an idiot for ruining that." Preston rambles and begins muttering how stupid he is under his breath.

"What are you talking about 'continuing to ruin lives?'" I ask, ignoring his other words.

Preston turns to look at me. Tears begin to roll down his cheeks as his face scrunches up almost as if he's in pain. He reaches up and begins wiping the tears from his face roughly, but they just continue falling down.

"Come on, Preston. I am not in the mood for your fucking games." I yell and feel my fists clenching tighter by the second.

The boy turns to look at me. His face is beat red and his eyes bloodshot. The dark eyelashes lining his eyes have formed into tiny triangles from the tears and his fingers are now tangled in his hair.

"Daniel," he begins and stops, sobbing for a brief moment before I get even more agitated.

"Spit it out already." I exclaim sharply. He nods and takes a deep breath.

"He's been stuck in a trap. By now he should be in Vegas with–" he begins but his breath hitches. I stare at him and motion for him to go on.

"He should be in Vegas with Cat, Sawyer, and..." he trails off, looking into my eyes. It's almost like he's looking for reassurance, so I just glare even harder.

"Cat, Sawyer, and..." he repeats.


(a/n: happiness?)

Mistakes [Second Book]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin