forty seven

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lmao guys calm down. i meant delete the a/n, not the story. i would never delete this story, it's much too important to moi💕

Daniel's POV

My eyes open slowly, the pain wrapping around me like a blanket immediately. The room is silent except for the slow beeping of the machines and the pitter pattering of shoes along the hospital floors. My head is pounding and I feel a stinging sensation all over my body, not one single area on my body that doesn't feel some sort of pain. I guess in order for my emotional pain to feel real, I had to be put through physical pain as well.

My head turns the slightest bit so I can look around the large, white room. The walls are a crisp white colour and every single medical device is in order, none out of place. But there's something wrong.

I'm alone.

Of course I am. Who would be here with me? It's not like anyone truly cares. The ones who do claim to care, they leave, they always do. The ones who say they love you, they don't. They really don't. I never want to speak of what happened. Ever. Every time I open my mouth, I seem to mess something up. I couldn't even keep a sturdy relationship without him cheating on me. What did I do wrong?

The pain is so strong, it almost feels like nothing. It's as if my entire mind and body has just spontaneously been numbed. But that's okay, nobody cares anyways. Does Hope even care anymore? I haven't seen her for a while.

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the door swinging open. I shake my head, my focus directing at the door.

"What the–" I begin saying quietly before he runs over towards me.

"Joey? Why're you here?" I question, stumbling over my words.

He reaches down, placing his hands on my wrists. Flashbacks to the ropes tied around my wrists are shown in my head and I immediately behind panicking.

"Stop! Let go!" I scream, pulling away as hot tears roll down my cheeks. Joey looks at me, a hint of pain flashing across his face.

"I'm so fucking sorry, Daniel. I didn't do anything, I promise you. I'm such a fucking idiot! I thought I could just run away from you and my problems, but I fucking can't, Daniel. My mind will not allow me to leave you, and that fucking terrifies me. Daniel, I fucking love you. More than anything." Joey yells, tears rolling down his cheeks as the words leave his mouth.

A nurse bursts into the room, a panicked expression on her face.

"Mr. Preda, is this man bothering you?" she asks and I dismiss her, telling her it's okay. She nods slowly, looking at Joey cautiously before leaving the room.

"I t-think y-you need t-to g-go." I stutter as my lip trembles.

"Daniel please don't block me out. Please don't do this!" Joey yells, smashing his fists against the wall.

"P-please, just g-go." I whisper quietly and he turns to look at me, his eyes glazed over and a pained expression on his face.

He nods, walking towards the door.

"I'm never giving up on you, Daniel Preda." he announces, turning to look at me briefly before leaving the room.

Mistakes [Second Book]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt