"Mahira this is unfair" I said.

"Living with your wife is unfair?? Being a husband is unfair?? Great!!!" She said.

"I didn't meant to say that"

"I understood what you meant to say"
"You do love Laiba alot?? Right??" She asked.

I didn't know what to say to her. Of course I love Laiba but I can't deny that I'm having weird feelings towards Mahira. No...I love Laiba alot. She is my life.

"Yes I do" before I could stop the words have already been said.

"I knew it. So what the hell did you wanted to talk to me??" She glared.

"Mahira I just wanted us to become normal" I said.

"The hell we will!!! First of all there's no Us there's only You and Me" she said pointing me and her.

"Fine" I said.

"Before saying yes to marry me why didn't you told your dad about Laiba??" She asked.

"Dad knew everything about Laiba that's why he threatened me to marry you or I will not get the CEO position" I replied running a hand in my hair.

"How selfish of you Arhaan?? Just for the sake of being a CEO you spoiled two lives?? Mine and Laiba's?? Forget about me..you didn't even thought once also about her before saying yes to me??" She accused me.

"I did thought okay?? Not once but million times and then I decided to marry you. You don't know anything Mahira..how hard I have studied and worked just to achieve this position where I am now standing" I said.

"Everyone work hard for something Arhaan but you chose the wrong way. In order to attain your dream you sacrificed two lives!!" She said.

"No..I didn't it was meant to happen this way" I said.

"Okay fine..then tell me how long will it go like this?? You dating Laiba and I being your Maid??" She asked.

"It will end soon..I'll soon find a way" I said massaging my temples.

"How by divorcing me?? Have you even thought what will everyone say?? What will your so called media people will say about me after they come to know about the truth?? They'll not call me your Maid or your wife but they'll surely call me your Mistress" She shouted.

"Mahiraaaa" this time my voice was louder than her. How can she say that?? I have never thought about her like that..

"By screaming the truth will not change Arhaan. Because Laiba will be given the title of the love of your life, soulmate and what not when you will confront in front of everyone. But when people will ask you about me that who was I?? What will you say Arhaan??

You'll say that I was your Maid and they will accept?? No..never they'll keep on asking about me. And the truth is you will never accept me as your wife!! No matter how much you deny Arhaan but we are living together under one roof. Outsiders don't know that we don't share one room and even if you will say them this..will they really gonna believe you?? Tell me Arhaan..answer me" She demanded.

Truth is I never thought about this. I never ever once also thought in this matter. What will I say to them about Mahira?? They'll surely judge her and will definitely call her what not. And why?? just because she's living in the damn house with me!!

There will be many questions that I might had married her only for pleasure or what not!! You can never shut someone's mouth. Nobody will say anything negative about Laiba because she'll be by my side everywhere. And I have hardly been seen anywhere with Mahira. Mahira will sure be the center of hot gossip and scandal..!!

His Wife Or His Maid???#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now