Chapter 31

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Have I packed everything?? I asked myself for the millionth time. We are going back to New York tomorrow..and I'm still not able to digest that how one week can pass in a second??? I've kept all my stuffs and Arhaan's too. Yes..everything's done!!

"So bhabhi finished packing??" Aamna asked.

"Umm..yeah." I replied. In this one week we both have become very good friends..I really had a great time over here.

We both went downstairs to sit with everyone. Arhaan was already there and sipping away his coffee. "Ahh..Mahira come sit here" Mom said. I nodded and went to sit beside her.

"Ladies get ready by 8..I don't want us to be late" Dad said. We all gave him confusing looks. "You guys forgot???" He asked disbelievingly.

"I did told you all that today we have to attend a party!!" He said staring at us.

"Uhh..yeah I remember" Aamna sighed. "Fine I'll be ready by eight!!" She said.

"I don't think I can go with you it is tomorrow we are going back so I want to rest today otherwise I won't be able to sit tomorrow for that long" I said.

"Yes, you take rest beta we'll go" Mom said caressing my head.

"Arhaan your in??" Mom asked.

" I've some other plans" he replied. What other plans did he have?? Is Laiba here?? No..I don't think so. While I was busy thinking stupid things I saw Aamna smiling mischievously at both of us. I glared at her while Arhaan was just smirking. What the hell is going on here!!!

" now it's only three of us" dad said and left. Mom went into the kitchen and Aamna went to her room.

"Am I missing something??" I asked Arhaan as I sat beside him. He looked at me first and then started to think.."Ask yourself!!" He replied. My mouth was now wide open and hanging in the mid air. He laughed at my expression.

I went to the kitchen and asked mom if she need help in something,she denied as usual. Then I went to Aamna and we started chatting. After an hour or so she went to get ready and I plopped down on the sofa to watch t.v.

Now seriously I'm getting bore...Sani's cell is unreachable and everyone has gone for that party..and I can't find Arhaan. I tried calling him but he isn't responding. I rolled my eyes.

After waiting for another half an hour for Arhaan I went to my room to take shower. The maids are also not here now..guess they are in their quarter. All of them???my mind asked. Strange.

After taking a long relaxing hot shower I finally decided to head out of the washroom. I was wearing a robe..and I know I'm taking a huge risk to go out like this!! But I forgot to take my clothes with me. I slowly opened the door and peep my head out to see Arhaan is there or not, and yahooo..he's not!!

I finally went out of the washroom and was walking towards the closet when a golden colored wrapper box caught my eye. I walked towards the bed and took the golden colored wrapper box in my hand and was very keenly looking at it.

No clue of who has brought this?? And it is for whom?? And most importantly what is inside that box?? I was continuously flipping the box when suddenly a note lying on the floor caught my attention. This note might be with the box..must have fallen when I picked up the box. I took the note in my hand and unfolded it and my breath hitched!!

Hey beautiful this is for you, a small present from me to you!! Wear this and come to terrace..your hubby is eagerly waiting for you.
Hope you'll like it.
And yeah please you don't have to cover your hair with that wrap around because there's no one else in this house apart from us.
Come fast
;-) ;-) ;-)
Yours truly and faithfully and the most handsome and hot husband on this planet.

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