Behind Closed Doors

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The sky to the northeast was dark and stormy. This was not an unusual scene for the Dragonspire mountains. Called the Storm Horns by some, these mountains seemed to be positioned perfectly on the land such that the peaks caught and held on to the winds and clouds. Often, there would be dark clouds to the northeast.

Lord Kelpar watched the horizon as thunder rang out in all directions. During very very turbulent storms, thunder would travel as far west as Iriabor. He would sometimes see strange figures in the flashes of lightning that accompanied the thunder. In the moment, Lord Kelpar thought, amid the nimbus clouds, he saw a horn and snout of a large dragon disappear into the sky.

"Enter." The doors opened up behind him into his private chamber.

A low level monk of the order entered. Kelpar had appointed Agorio as his personal assistant, mostly because he was malleable. Kelpar rewarded Agorio generously for his loyalty, and Agorio had seen how Kelpar handles people who are not. The result: Agorio would do, and had done, things that the other monks would find... "questionable."

Kelpar didn't turn to look at the little man. "Has Artifax reached the mountain?"

"He has Lord," Agorio replied. "No less than 12 hours ago."

Kelpar continued. "It seems that Throk has led him successfully to within a few days journey of the Howling Forest. The dark paladin is with him?"


"Good. They may find their way to daylight again soon." He paused. "Has the money been delivered?"

"Yes, Lord."

"And do they understand the task?"

"They do." Agorio paused, and asked, "What if they fail?"

Kelpar turned from the window and the lightning illuminated his body, "If Artifax is not killed the next time he sees the light of day, then, our agreement is still in place, he and I."

"I don't understand Lord?"

"It is good to have insurance Brother Agorio. Artifax has agreed to recover an item for the 'good' of our order here in Iriabor." He stopped and smiled at his own cleverness. "If he is who he says he is, then, we will no longer have any worries." His smile seemed unnaturally large in the light of the storm.

Outside of the room, behind the double door, Brother Belgeras had overheard the words of the men. "Artifax... you are in great danger," he whispered to himself. 

Wayward Tail: The Mortal Realms Trilogy, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now