A black convertible pulled up and I knew who's car that was.

The car pulled up to park right behind Orianna's car, blocking her in.

"We need to talk Ressie. And I don't mean yell at each other. I mean sit now and have a civil conversation." He was right.

"Okay D. Let's go." I calmly said.

"Oreo! I'm leaving with him." I yelled
She winked. She fucking winked at us. I rolled my eyes and got into the car.

It was quiet until we reached, what I'm going to assume was our destination.

We pulled up to the beach.

He opened my door and took my hand. I looked at him and he had a gentle smile on his lips.

"Come on, let's go talk." He said so softly that I almost didn't hear it.

We walked towards the ocean and we put our feet in the water when we sat down. (Pic of beach on top)

"I'm sorry" we said together

"You go first" we said.

"Shit. Okay Ressie. You go first." Dante said

"Okay. I'm sorry for yesterday." I looked away from him. "I should've let you explain..."

"You can let me explain now." He said

I just nodded to let him continue.

"That was my ex, that you saw me kissing. We were saying goodbye. She's going to Europe or some shit like that. It was in the moment and I know that's not an excuse but I just needed to say goodbye, I didn't go there with the intention of kissing her. I care about you Ressie. So much." He ended

"How do you I think I felt? How do you think I felt when I told you about my parents and then 2 days later, see you kissing another woman?"  I asked

"I'm sorry Rebecca.." He whispered

"I get that. I am too. I just, you're so much older than me... But I want you. I want you so much that it hurts. It fucking hurts, Dante. You say that you care about me and you have shown me that you do, but I like you so much more than I think you like me. I'm fucking falling for you. Dammit, don't you see that?" I ranted

I stood up and walked away. I can't believe I just told him that.

"Ressie! Fucking stop." He grabbed my wrist

"What?!! What do you want?! What do you fucking want?" I yell

"I fucking want you! Dammit, Ressie, why can't you fucking see that I'm falling for you too! I want you! I want us to be together. I want you to be mine. I just want you dammit!" He yelled back.

I grabbed his face and kissed him. It was heated. His fingers got tangled in my hair and he pushed me impossibly closer to him. So close that we were one person.

I snaked my arms around his neck and put my fingers through his hair. He groaned and bit down on my bottom lip.

He wanted entrance and I gladly gave it to him. Our mouths moved together with so much passion it took my breathe away.

We pulled apart. Breathing heavily I smile at him. He just smirks at me.

"Shut up..." I mumble

He chuckles and grabs my hand. "Are we okay now?" He asks

"Baby, we were okay the moment you said sorry. " I reply with a big smile

"Oh so you just gave me that shit so we could make out?" He smirks

I smirk back and say "wasn't that the best kiss you've had?"

"Fuck yes baby. " I laugh and push him into the sand.

"Ressie I'm going to get you for that!!" He yells

I run as fast as I can but never try to out run someone who runs 5-6 miles everyday for fun.

He caught me and picked me up bridal style and then threw me in the water.

I haven't had this much fun in awhile 😊

We splashed each other and just goofed around. I felt... Free. No worries ever crossed my mind.

He makes me feel safe, loved, wanted. He doesn't just want it from me. He actually likes me for me. That's something no one has ever done. They only ever wanted to sleep with me and I never gave it to them. I couldn't.

Today was perfect. Today was exactly how i wanted to be. We spent the night watching Harry Potter movies and just having fun.

This is nothing like the movies. It's so much better.

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